Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1447: Who gave them freedom and rights

Jiang Yuan was young, with a look of arrogance: "One minute."

"Wow, one minute is really amazing. Like the third-order Rubik's Cube in the hands of Master Yuan, it takes about 4 seconds to hold the world record, and ordinary people don’t talk about time. Even ordinary restorations may not be able to do it. get."

"Master Yuan is indeed very good, good at drawing, and so good at Rubik's Cube. This IQ is not comparable to ordinary people."

Jiang Yuan had listened to such boasting words a long time ago, and listened arrogantly, without the slightest joy at all.

He Jiaojiao said: "Young Master Yuan is also very good in Olympiad. He won the first place in several competitions."

Seeing that Jiang Yuan had nothing to boast about, she boasted Jiang Chao: "Master Chao is even more powerful. He will be able to shoot at a young age, and one-handed darts are more accurate than adults."

After speaking, as if to confirm her words, the seven-year-old Jiang Chao shot a dart out of his hand and pinned it directly on the pillar behind a certain guest, just passing over the guest's head.

Such accuracy and intensity are indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people, not to mention that Jiang Chao is just a seven-year-old child.

After he threw the darts, one jumped out of the toy pool, and the other left hook, and the bodyguard in front of him fell down.

There was a sound of exclamation all around: "That's right, worthy of a child born in a military and political family. He is already so powerful at a young age."

"This is not only a good gene, but also a good cultivation of the Jiang family."

He Jiaojiao glanced at Xia Sheng and Lele, with disdain on her face, and said: "Our two young masters are really good, especially compared to some children..."

Everyone understood where her gaze fell, who she despised.

Although the other guests would not despise Xia Sheng and Lele, they did feel that they were far worse than Jiangyuan Jiangchao.

Xia Sheng, I heard that something happened. He came out of the orphanage and looked like he had never seen the world before.

Lele, even more so ignorant that he knows nothing.

Everyone shook their heads, as if these two children were wasting such good genes and family conditions, even they felt it was a pity.

Chu Ning frowned her eyebrows, and she admitted that Jiang's child was pretty good.

But if you want to boast about the children of the Jiang family, do you have to compare Xia Sheng and Lele? This is who gave them the freedom and rights!

Besides, Xia Sheng and Lele do not have to be inferior to them.

She walked quickly over.

Seeing her coming, everyone gave up their way. He Jiaojiao didn't take her to heart. Anyway, she was not Lele and Xia Sheng's mother. She was afraid of what she would do?

Chu Ning walked to Lele's side and said with a smile: "I heard that everyone is better than IQ here? Which child is the smartest?"

"Of course it belongs to our family." Jiang Yue said, "My brother's two children, literary and martial arts, are all capable, and they didn't shame our Jiang family at all. But the children from other families may not be... …"

She turned her head to look at Old Yang: "Old Yang, are you right?"

This is not easy for Mr. Yang to speak, and he just said: "Children in the world have their own strengths, and there may not necessarily be someone who can crush others."

Jiang Yue didn't hear the conservative meaning in Old Yang's words, but happily said: "Old Yang, it's a rare occasion to meet today's celebration. Why don't you accept Jiang Yuan as your closed disciple today."

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