Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1467: Could it be you...

Seeing his hand hurt, Lan Xi was not very relaxed, and he still thought about joking here. He couldn't help but feel distressed and general.

"If Doctor Gu doesn't mind, come home with us for dinner." Lan Xi invited.

"Okay. I happen to be hungry too." Gu Yunchen didn't refuse, and followed to eat together.

The presidential palace suppressed the Lan Feng incident, and there was no sound of it.

Fu Hongxuan didn't let Lan Feng apologize either-because he was afraid that something bigger would happen when he apologized.

But Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning also knew that this was a huge price.

Fu Hongxuan couldn't even find anyone to vent his anger.

Scold Lan Feng? Lan Feng didn't care at all. There were more people scolding him. He has been like this since he was a child, so no one scolded him anymore.

Let people related to Lan Feng replace the scolding, and go back and persuade Lan Feng?

The same is useless, thinking too much.

So this matter, only he can digest it himself.


During this period, because Gong Yunxi was about to take maternity leave soon after she became pregnant, Ye Shu had also left the TV station, so Sanjiang TV had a lot of things.

When Chu Ning is okay, he will go over and see what he can take care of.

Gong Yunxi's belly was already pregnant, and when she was holding a large stack of documents, she was struggling with a horoscope.

Chu Ning hurried forward, took the things to help her pick her up, and said, "Why are you so busy? What about the others?"

"It's not too busy. I just can't stay free. I want to do more while I can do something." Gong Yunxi smiled, "What's more, the doctor said that I am in better condition, and I don't have to rest now."

"How is the baby's development?"

"Very good, the doctor said that the baby is in good condition after several examinations."

Chu Ning walked into the office with Gong Yunxi, and Xiao Yao also followed.

Gong Yunxi broke the oranges and handed them to Chu Ning and Xiao Yao to eat.

Chu Ning ate a piece, sticking out his tongue with sourness, and hurriedly handed it back to Gong Yunxi, the taste of pregnant women, ordinary people really can't accept it.

However, Xiao Yao even ate half of it and said, "It's delicious, why don't you eat it, Chu Ning?"

"Xiao Yao, what's the matter with you, it wouldn't be you..." Gong Yunxi blurted out.

Then realizing that Xiao Yao didn't even have a boyfriend, she hurriedly changed the topic and said, "Some people are just giants who can eat sour. You can take it and eat more.

"Thank you."

Chu Ning followed Xiao Yao to her office and talked about the work of the TV station.

"Except that Jingyuan TV has been pressing on us, everything else is fine. Everything is going well now. Jingyuan TV has Fu Meirou backing her back, and the conditions in all aspects are much better than us."

"As long as Fu Meirou doesn't mess with her, it's not a big problem," Chu Ning said, "She's been quite ridiculous recently. Our TV station is small, and it's impossible for her to put too much energy on this."

Xiao Yao was about to say something. Suddenly, she felt an unusually uncomfortable moment. She hurriedly made a gesture and hurried to the bathroom.

As soon as she rushed in, she lay down on the sink, with a frantic retching.

But nothing came out for a long time.

Chu Ning rushed over, patted her shoulders, and said, "What's the matter? I've been too busy lately, why don't you have a rest?"

"It's okay, it's just a bit disgusting..."

"Is the orange just too sour, causing too much stomach acid?" Chu Ning guessed.

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