Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1469: Don't want this kid

It's just that she was too distracted when she thought about Xiao Yao's matter, so that he approached unknowingly and blindfolded her eyes.

"Husband." Chu Ning's voice was soft.

Shen Jingyu let go of her eyes, instead hugged her soft waist, and whispered, "What are you thinking?"

"Thinking of you and them, it's great." Chu Ning's gaze fell on the three small figures.

"Is something on my mind?" Shen Jingyu approached her ear, breathing into her cochlea.

Her mood is not very good, he can guess that something happened as soon as he guessed it.

Chu Ning recounted the story of Xiao Yao.

Shen Jingyu pondered for a moment: "Whether Lan Feng likes Xiao Yao or not, he is not a good match. He does things too casually."

"Yes. I never thought that he would be with Xiao Yao, so what I am worried about is Xiao Yao's child, how to deal with it." Chu Ning deeply felt how tortured a child without a father would be. heart.

When she was in the United States, she was accompanied by her parents and elder brothers, and without any financial pressure, she often suffered from gains and losses because of Shen Jingyu's delay in the future.

Not to mention the relationship between Xiao Yao and Lan Feng.

Whether she wants children or not, she will be hurt very much.

There is no way, women are like this. If they don't protect themselves in the first time, they will always become the more hurt one later.

Shen Jingyu held her tenderly and kissed her hair gently, no matter what caused her to be in a bad mood.

He has the responsibility to accompany her, walk out, and embrace the sun again.

His gentleness comforted Chu Ning, and the sun filled his heart again. Knowing that the current anxiety was of no avail, Chu Ning temporarily put aside the trouble.

"Forget it, I don't want this for the time being. Let's go to the kitchen to prepare dinner." Chu Ning felt that taking advantage of this rare time, he would cook by himself.

Shen Jingyu was also willing to accompany her and went into the kitchen with her to prepare a good dinner for the children.


The next day Chu Ning went to the TV station, and Xiao Yao came over with her dark eyes.

"Chuning, I plan not to have this child." Xiao Yao knew that it was impossible for herself and Lan Feng.

So baby, she won't want it.

Don't even let him know.

"Are you sure?" Chu Ning asked softly, afraid she would regret it.

"He can't like me. Our personalities are very different. Even if we can be together, we may not be a good match. I think that's the way it is." Xiao Yao said, "One more child, one more. Linkage. Moreover, it may not be beneficial to the growth of the child."

Chu Ning shook her hand: "Since you think it over, I will accompany you to the hospital. This is not a trivial matter, you must take care of your body. Of course, I will beat him up for you when the time comes. Get out of your breath."

"Forget Chu Ning, I was not completely forced at the time. If you hit him, it made me feel embarrassed, and he was not the one who did the wrong thing."

"At this time, you still protect him. Although you like him, you can't change his crazy initiative in this matter."

Xiao Yao shook her head and grabbed Chu Ning's wrist: "Don't go, don't embarrass me."

Seeing her head down sadly, Chu Ning's expression was full of loneliness, and her heart couldn't help but feel a little bit more uncomfortable.

But this matter, no one can bear it for her.

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