Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1471: Must have

"Okay, I promise you." Chu Ning nodded.

Faced with Xiao Yao like this, she couldn't refuse.

Xiao Yao put her hand on her lower abdomen, showing a slight smile, and said, "Chuning, did you know that? When I knew that I had this child, I was happy and flustered. In fact, I also want to have a warm home. "

"Where is the Xiao family?" Chu Ning asked softly.

Xiao Yao rarely heard anything about the Xiao family, and Chu Ning rarely asked about it before.

"My parents have passed away, and there are no relatives. As for the He family, you also know..." Xiao Yao smiled bitterly when she talked about it.

Chu Ning remembered that He Hongtao and Chen Fufen were both small-bellied and caring people. If they didn't come to **** the company's property, it would be good if they didn't make trouble. Don't mention family affection.

It used to be the case for Chu Ning, let alone the daughter who had not been raised by their side since childhood?

With that said, Xiao Yao really has no relatives and little family warmth.

Chu Ning understood more why she wanted to keep the child.

She longs for family and the company of relatives.

"Then let's go back." Chu Ning decided to respect her decision and opinions, "I will help organize the recent TV Merchants Association."

Xiao Yao is very guilty: "I want to trouble you so much again..."

"No trouble, I like to do it anyway." Chu Ning smiled.

The TV station's investment promotion conference has always been once a year. At this time of the year, most of the cooperation and projects for the whole year are finalized at this conference, which directly affects the TV station's one-year plan and income.

Gong Yunxi is pregnant and Xiao Yao is pregnant, only Chu Ning can support it.


It was late at night, and Chu Ning was still in the study looking at the plan submitted by the project department.

Shen Jingyu brought the milk in and put it beside her.

Chu Ning raised her eyes and smiled at him, and said: "You go to rest first, I will finish reading this soon."

"I'll accompany you." Shen Jingyu sat beside her, helping her tidy up what she had read.

Several babies are already asleep, so he has time to come and accompany her.

After busying for a while, Chu Ning stretched out and said, "I have already finished most of it, and I just have to finish reading a little bit."

Shen Jingyu stretched out his hand to hug her, put it on her lap, and tied her face with the chin that just emerged from the beard: "Is it worth the hard work? Now TV station is not your business. I know you are good for your friends, but it's not. How to help them for the rest of my life."

"They don't need me to help for a lifetime." Chu Ning smiled, "It's only the last time. Xiao Yao is like that, I can't help but. Just like when I had an accident, many, many people have been working tirelessly. Help me so that I can get through so many difficulties."

Shen Jingyu put her chin on top of her head, knowing that she is the best girl in the world, and always cherishes a grateful heart to give back to those around her.

He just loves her too much.

Chu Ning picked up the milk, drank it all in one breath, and said with a smile: "Okay, after drinking so much milk, I can start with full vigor. After this period, I will accompany you and your baby to go out for a rest and vacation. , No matter what. At that time, you must also have time."

"Okay, there must be." Shen Jingyu smiled.

It was quiet in the middle of the night, only the quiet light was still on outside the window, and the two of them were still accompanying each other in the room.

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