Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 148: Give back the pain that has been added to her

Every word of Xie Yichen, Xie Yihao feels very reasonable!

The Xie family has a strong family background and is equal to the He family. Especially after Xie Yichen became the fiancée of the Shen family, the status of the Xie family has risen even more, and it is becoming more and more famous in the city of West Portugal.

The He family's economy and identity were greatly affected due to internal strife.

As the young master of the Xie family, Xie Yihao is the target of many women.

He Ning's desire to save him must be a woman's normal thoughts.

Thinking of this, Xie Yihao's back straightened, with a touch of pride in his eyes, waiting for He Ning to walk towards him.

If she knelt by her lap, weeping and begging for mercy, he could still grudgingly agree to her plea for her beauty now.

"He Ning, here." Elle took He Ning's hand and found a comfortable position by the window.

He Ning smiled slightly and sat down with her.

She didn't even notice that Xie Yichen and Xie Yihao were here, but she was tired of walking with elle and came here for a cup of coffee.

As for what they think about recombination and not recombination, it is simply a joke.

Xie Yihao, who was full of confidence in his own charm, collapsed. When He Ning was halfway there, he turned around and sat at a far table?

Xie Yichen was also a little puzzled, but immediately understood: "Yihao, is He Ning always shy? She must have no face to see you now, so she dare not come directly."

"That's true. She has always been courageous, and emotionally passive." Xie Yihao figured this out and regained her confidence, "I think she didn't dare to face me directly. After all, she called in the hotel last time. Cowboy, I personally came to catch the traitor."

Speaking of this, Xie Yihao became angry. It was the last time that He Ning and Cowherd broke his arm.

After he gets back with He Ning, he must teach that cowherd well and make him kneel on the ground begging for mercy!

"Since He Ning is here, it can be considered a show of sincerity. You take the initiative and go there." Xie Yichen said, with contempt in her voice. When He Ning gets back together, she has to come to please her sister-in-law.

When the time comes, she will have reasons and opportunities to return the pain He Ning has caused to her!

Xie Yihao stood up, tidied his clothes, and strode towards He Ning.

"He Ning, can I sit down?" Xie Yihao asked the gentleman in a personable manner.

He has already released such a proactive message, He Ning will definitely not refuse!

He Ning did not expect to meet him here, her eyebrows frowned slightly, and her tone was firm: "Sorry, Mr. Xie, no."

Xie Yihao didn't think this was her true refusal at all, so he just sat down.

This man is so unreasonable, let alone He Ning, even elle felt offended.

"He Ning, I know you are still angry with me. I didn't believe you before I was angry. I just care about you so much that I worry about you being cheated and bring people to the door..." Xie Yihao's tone became Gentle, if it had been before, would be enough to fool He Ning.

But now He Ning, knowing everything he really wants, how can he be deceived?

Of course she knew why Xie Yihao came to release her tenderness again, but it was because her lawsuit was won and most of the He family's family business was in her hands again.

Also because of the scandals He Manni and Chen Fufen did, they were cast aside and could not be on the stage.

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