Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1496: Nothing is left

Ding Langwei hasn't gotten married all these years. Ding Qinen, who is an older sister, is actually worried and anxious, always worried.

Now if Ding Langwei is still investigating whether Feng Ling is the Duke of Phoenix, Ding Qinen doesn't know what to worry about.

Ding Qinen sighed: "Nothing is fine. Sometimes no news is the best news."

"Yes." Shen Jingyu said, "Lele and the others miss grandma. Mom, please accompany them."

Ding Qinen was immediately happy and said: "Well, well, I said that you two children don't often bring your babies back to us for a look. Speaking of which, I really miss them too."

Seeing Ding Qinen went to the child's side happily, Shen Jingyu took Chu Ning's hand and went for a walk in the back garden.

"Feng Ling, take your time, husband. You can't be anxious." Chu Ning persuaded, "Besides, it's been so many years, so I don't want to be in a hurry."

"No hurry." Shen Jingyu paused, putting her hands on her shoulders, "I don't care what it is or what it is not. It's just that it's better to understand than not to understand a lot of things. The more you know, The more you have the ability to gain insight into the overall situation."

Chu Ning smiled: "No wonder you are so good at everything for so many years."

"No, I'm ashamed. I have hurt you and fell into hopeless despair so many times. I didn't do very well. So, I want to do better and have more control. In this way, I can better Protect the people you care about." Shen Jingyu said softly.

He hugged Chu Ning into his arms, cherishing it.

Chu Ning leaned on his chest, feeling at ease. With him like this, she was willing to do anything.

Even if you have suffered a lot of grievances, as long as it is for two people to get to one place, it is worth it.

She was grateful for the loneliness and courage she used to, so she worked so hard to reach his height and stand shoulder to shoulder with him.


After dinner, Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning just wanted to take their children home, and Chu Ning received a call from Lan Xi.

Lan Xi's voice was a little anxious: "Ningning, you are sick. Come to the hospital."

When Chu Ning heard this, he put away his mobile phone and said, "Mom and dad, please take care of the three children first. My dad is sick, I want to take a look."

Both Shen Fengshan and Ding Qinen said with concern: "Okay, then you go first. Just stay here with the kids. If you have anything, call us."

Chu Ning and Shen Jingyu walked out together.

"Mom said, what is the situation?" Shen Jingyu asked concerned.

"Not for the time being, I said it's still being checked." Chu Ning frowned her eyebrows, and her heart was full of worry.

Shen Jingyu took her into the car and smoothed the wrinkles between her eyebrows.

Chu Ning showed a smile, but because he was worried about his father, he smiled reluctantly.

At the hospital, He Yiming, Ye Shu, and Chu Zhuohang all came.

And Lan Xi was still standing at the door of the monitoring room and waiting.

"Mom, what's the situation with Dad?" Chu Ning ran over and asked.

"Eating well at home, people fell down. Alas, when I get older, I really can't help myself." Lan Xi sighed, his voice full of worries.

It sounds pretty serious, and Chu Ning feels a little flustered.

Chu Zhuohang walked to her and said, "Ningning, don't worry, Dad will be fine."

"Yeah." Chu Ning nodded slightly, but she was not worried but it was fake.

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