Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 159: He is not allowed to let people follow

"Is it here?" Shen Jingyu naturally stretched out her hand to hold her, and embraced her Yingying's waist.

In front of everyone, he did not shy away from his care for her.

I originally thought that after talking to He Peishan, his mood towards He Ning would change.

However, what he didn't even expect was that he wanted to see He Ning earlier and listen to her softly speaking to him.

He Ning was looking for earrings.

However, she was afraid that Shen Jingyu would cause unnecessary trouble if she knew that the guard had misidentified her just now.

So she nodded obediently: "Well, just arrived. I didn't expect you to be behind me."

She didn't mention the earrings anymore, and followed Shen Jingyu forward.

Shen Jingyu signaled that Duan Hanyu didn't have to follow him anymore. He Ning might even have red ears with many people around him.

With his palm on her waist, he squeezed her soft body and pulled her closer to him.

"Mom prepared a lounge for us. Let's go and rest for a while." Shen Jingyu knew that Ding Qinen must be seeing an old friend.

He didn't like the kind of occasion where women talked about jewelry and clothing, so he took He Ning and walked to the reserved room.


Wu Shuzhen had already let Yu Xinyan wait in the room. She put on Yu Xinyan's **** pajamas that best showed her figure, and the room was also lit up with incense.

The person she arranged came over quickly and said: "Fifth Mrs. Third Master is here. I have already told Third Master the room number in the parking lot, and he is not allowed to let people follow."

"Okay." Wu Shuzhen had a smug smile on her face.

She knew that Shen Jingyu didn't like such occasions, but she just came to show her face at will, and she would definitely go to the room to be alone.

This is Yu Xinyan's excellent opportunity.

It is best not to let people follow, so that no one can disturb the friendship between Shen Jingyu and Yu Xinyan.

Ding Qinen looked at the door. He Ning hadn't arrived yet, so she personally called He Ning and invited He Ning to have a meal, just because she didn't want to make the relationship with her son stalemate and ease the relationship.

However, it has been so long, and He Ning has not yet appeared, which made her feel a little uncomfortable naturally.

If He Ning is willing to get along with her at ease, she certainly doesn't mind the many close people around her son.

But He Ning's attitude is a bit too arrogant, right?

Wu Shuzhen walked to Ding Qin'en and said, "I have let people go to see it, and He Ning has not come. I don't know if the traffic in the Portuguese West City is not good, which has delayed her time?"

A lady immediately next to him said: "Portugal City is not as good as the first-tier big cities like Jingyuan City. How can it be blocked at this time?"

Wu Shuzhen said: "He Ning might be afraid of coming to such an occasion. After all, she was born into a small family..."

"When Jingyu comes over, let's have dinner." Ding Qinen lost his patience with He Ning and said lightly.

Wu Shuzhen smiled, pinched a little, and it was almost time before she said: "Sansao, someone said just now that Jingyu has already come and rest in the room over there. Why don't we call Shang Jingyu and go together? Shall we take a seat in the restaurant?"

"Let's go." Ding Qinen stood up and walked over there with Wu Shuzhen. There were also a few noble ladies who were all friends of Ding Qinen.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Wu Shuzhen couldn't wait to walk to the front and heard a burst of gasps in the vacant room.

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