Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 168: Who wants to be your sister

He Lubai glanced at He Ning and said, "Sister, Manny has apologized to you, can't you forgive her? There are so many of us, but all of us came to visit you sincerely and come to apologize."

"Really? Is this your sincerity in apologizing? Why don't you kneel down to apologize?" He Ning said slowly.

The nurse supported He Ning and said, "Yes, is this your attitude of apologizing? This is your attitude of visiting patients?"

She hadn't seen anyone who came to visit the patient, dressed like this.

I have never seen them such aggressive visitors.

"Sister, we have given you a lot of face. You snatched the family property, raised the cowherd, and piled up everything to shame the He family." He Lu loudly accused, "We don't care about the predecessors, you still have to How are we?"

Hermani said softly: "Sister, don't let us get angry. You can go back to the past if you play with sisters."

He Ning could see it, He Manni sang the white face, playing a gentle role, and He Lu sang the black face, deliberately embarrassing her.

This time, is it for her wealth or for something else?

"He Lu, let's just say a few words. My sister didn't mean to make a mistake." He Manni smiled, "Sister, this time, how many of our sisters, don't we?"

She came forward to grab He Ning's hand, trying to make peace with He Ning.

He Ning shook her hand away and said lightly: "My mother's surname is Ning, she is the real mistress of the He family, and your mother's surname is Chen, a woman in the upper rank of Xiaosan. I don't have any sisterhood with you two!"

Her Manni's face was blue and white. This was the last thing she wanted to hear, but it was indeed the case. She was indeed Chen Fufen's daughter, who was far from He Ning's identity.

The nurse stood beside He Ning, who was biased towards He Ning. Upon hearing this, he gave He Manni and He Lu a contemptuous look.

He Lu angrily said, "He Ning, what are you talking about?"

"Isn't it true that what I said? I still need to throw the newspaper that the court sentenced last time on your face?"

He Manni still maintained her pretentious gentleness: "Sister, we didn't come to quarrel with you, we really want to make peace with you."

"But I don't want to." He Ning bluntly refused.

He Lu gritted her teeth: "If you don't want to, you don't want to, do you think anyone wants to be a sister to a woman like you? Plastic surgery, scheming, and raising cowherd, I am afraid that there will be more messy things in the future. Who wants to follow? Are you a sister?"

Standing behind He Manni and He Lu are their friends Li Yushan, Huang Yu, Zhu Wenya, and Hua Jun. They all know He Ning because of He Manni.

He Ning used to speak softly and generously, and they followed He Manni as much as possible.

But recently, they never got any benefit from He Ning. Not only that, they secretly texted He Ning and asked her to borrow money, but He Ning didn't pay any attention to them at all.

Before the change, He Ning would definitely help, just because they were all He Mannie's friends.

Now, He Ning has blocked their contact information a long time ago, so why is he still involved in any way with them?

Hearing He Lu's accusation against He Ning, Li Yushan couldn't help being the first to speak up, saying: "Yes, who doesn't know that you have the appearance you are now after a plastic surgery? We don't know each other. You, you used to be dark and ugly, when we have no eyes, can we not see?"

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