Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 171: As long as you get out of here now

He Lu followed: "Mannie, remember not to mention the fact that He Ning has taken a cowboy, lest the surname Shen regrets not marrying He Ning."

"Yes, I will keep a secret for you." Hermani immediately agreed, "Anyway, you are noble, and you and that person are a good match. You two, just get together!"

She was really afraid that the "poor boy" Shen Jingyu would come to pester herself and arrange everything clearly.

Seeing that they were bullying He Ning in this way, the nurse even arranged for He Ning’s marriage and couldn’t help but said: “Don’t go too far. How can you make the case for Miss He? Miss He, don’t promise them. Don't promise, it's all harming you!"

"Bitch, I want you to talk nonsense and be nosy!" He Manni saw that she had managed to arrange things. The nurse actually interrupted repeatedly and spoiled her good deeds, so she reached out and pulled the nurse in an attempt to shut her up.

How could He Ning watch the nurse be humiliated? The nurse has been taking care of her, and she said this for her own good. How could she stand by and watch?

"Stop!" She stretched out her hand to pull the nurse away, facing Hermani herself.

He Manni is now just about to use her, so naturally she can't do anything with her.

Seeing He Ning's help, she could only take a sigh of relief and said, "Sister, in front of so many people, you have agreed to the matter. Don't regret it in the future."

"Naturally, as long as you get out of here now!" He Ning contemptuously looked at the few women who didn't know the heights.

He Manni and He Lu achieved their goals, and naturally they wanted to leave.

However, being scolded by He Ning, their hearts were always upset.

Especially He Lu, when she passed Hening, she stretched out her foot and hooked it on He Ning's leg. With He Ning's weakness, it was not a problem for her to trip He Ning.

However, He Ning has already been wary.

He Ning wore flat shoes, but He Lu wore Heng Tian Gao. Although his body was thin, He Ning did not give He Lu a chance.

She leaned on the nurse and stabilized her body. It was not that He Lu hooked He Ning's leg, but He Ning hooked He Lu.

He Lu didn't have any defense at all, Heng Tian Gao didn't step on it firmly, and with a puff, she fell to her knees and fell on her knees. A dog fell to the ground with food.

He Ning pursed his lips and smiled, turning around and smiling: "You don't need to do such a big ceremony, just kneel down and apologize."

He Lu fell horribly, and He Manni and Li Yushan helped her up together.

There was a big cut on her knee, and blood was gurgling out.

"He Ning, how can you treat your sister like this?" Li Yushan jumped up and shouted.

"Obviously, He Lu wanted to throw He Ning by herself!" The nurse walked side by side with He Ning. Although he didn't see the development of the matter, he guessed who was wrong.

Li Yushan had a good relationship with the two sisters. He had a cake popped on the face by He Ning at the birthday party of He Manni.

At this moment, finding an excuse for revenge, she rushed towards He Ning and shouted as she rushed: "I will help them teach you a lesson!"

When Shen Jingyu and Qiao Hai just appeared at the entrance of the hospital, they heard the noise here.

Without waiting for Shen Jingyu's instructions, Qiao Hai threw the car key in his hand from a distance and pointed it at Li Yushan.

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