Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 174: Gave him hope

"Very good. It seems that you all owe a lesson!"

Shen Jingyu paid no attention to these women.

Hearing what they said, his mood didn't even fluctuate in the slightest.

With a look in his eyes, Qiao Hai stood up.

Qiao Hai is the kind of muscle that is visible to the naked eye all over his body, which is full of deterrence.

"Believe it or not, I'm looking for someone..." Zhu Wenya didn't finish her sentence, and Qiao Hai slapped her face to the side.

"How can you guys..." Hermanni pointed to Qiao Hai's nose.

Qiao Hai waved her hand and He Manni fell directly to the ground.

Now these women dared not utter any more rants. You helped me with each other, I helped you, and rolled out embarrassedly.

At the door, there is a long step. Some people hurt their faces, some arms, some legs, and they were standing on the steps with ass. One was unstable. Several people were dragged from the steps together. Grumblingly rolled down.

This took a lot of trouble and rolled down. He was not injured, but now he fell and broke his bones a few times.

Qiao Hai stood in front of them and said sharply: "Does anyone else have anything to say?"

How dare they say anything? Busy screaming pain is too late.

The nurse on the side looked happy, these women were so arrogant, they finally got the punishment they deserved.

He Ning also quietly probed out of Shen Jingyu's arms to watch the fate of those women.

Shen Jingyu hugged her up and walked towards the ward with strides.

When the nurse came back to her senses, He Ning was gone... She looked at Shen Jingyu, only envy and not jealous, and only a well-behaved beauty like He Ning could be worthy of such a man, right?

Back in the ward, he put He Ning on the bed, and Shen Jingyu's voice was a little serious: "Why don't you ask someone for help when you encounter such a big thing?"

He remembered leaving Qin Zheng and many people here to guard.

"No, I went out for a walk, specifically not letting them follow. When I came back, I ran into a few of them. In fact, they were all ostentatious. I don't think there is any need to trouble them to help..." Until Shen Jingyu Before Qiao Hai appeared, didn't he also suffer?

Shen Jingyu knew she was okay, if she had something, the women outside would not be able to get out so easily.

His palm grabbed He Ning's neck and drew He Ning closer, and his forehead touched his forehead. He realized that her fever had gone away, and he was finally relieved.

"The fever is gone, but we have to observe for two more days." Shen Jingyu said softly, "You must take the medicine well, you know?"

"I will." He Ning nodded lightly, thinking that he would have a fever, and he took the initiative to do something to him. He Ning's face was a little hot.

Shen Jingyu's fingers slowly rubbed her neck, and her soft hair was also in his palm, touching his palm, itchy.

He whispered, his voice faintly dull: "Yunchen said, your physical condition is recovering well. After half a year, you should be able to heal."

It was much faster than he had imagined, and Gu Yunchen did not live up to his trust this time.

His medical skills have improved greatly. Other doctors said that He Ning was not saved, but not only did he not spend three years, but even a long time earlier, it gave him hope.

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