Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 176: She is looking at the scenery, she is also the scenery

No wonder he always seems so mature.

However, when he closes his eyes, his eyelids are really super long, with a beautiful shape, complementing his straight nose and angular face. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a look.

The tiny mole on his right cheek can only be seen clearly when she is very close, giving his cold facial features a touch of charm.

He Ning pursed his lips slightly and kissed his right cheek lightly.

Shen Jingyu moved, and He Ning was so frightened that he quickly closed his eyes for fear of being caught by him.

The corners of Shen Jingyu's lips rose up, with a smile reaching the bottom of his eyes.

He woke up a long time ago, but he was not willing to let go of the hand holding her, so he closed his eyes and rested, just to hold her for a while and enjoy the peace with her.

Unexpectedly, she would wake up, stare at him secretly, and kiss him.

So this little woman has no feelings for him?

Shen Jingyu's smile didn't last long, so he condensed on the edge of his lips, turning into the usual seriousness and deepness.

He should have been pleased with her quietly revealing his true feelings, and he was worried that she would fall in love with him, and be hurt by this love in the future.

Thinking of this, he became a little upset, and between his eyes, there was less ease and more deep and cold.

Isn't he kind to her so that she can't help but feel deeply stuck in his feelings for him?

Shen Jingyu let go of He Ning, sat up, took the clothes and went to the bathroom to rinse.

He Ning was suddenly pushed away from the warm and powerful embrace, a little lost, and the whole body was a little empty, and he couldn't help pursing his lips.

She also got up and sat at the window in a daze.

After finishing washing, Shen Jingyu came back and saw her sitting obediently in front of the window. A soft feeling appeared in her heart and said, "You wash first, and I will let Qin Zheng bring breakfast."

The voice contains a bit of coldness, no longer the tenderness of last night.

After eating breakfast, He Ning rested in peace, and Shen Jingyu really did not leave.

All the documents that needed to be handled by him were sent to him, and he was handling official duties in He Ning's ward.

When she is there, I feel more at ease and less panic, and I have to deal with things much faster.

He Ning couldn't help but squinted to look at him secretly while watching the scenery.

A serious man is always a little more handsome than usual, and even his gesture of holding a pen and signing is so unparalleled free and easy.

Feeling that he was about to raise his eyes, He Ning quickly retracted his gaze and looked out the window.

The greenery outside the window is great for soothing the eyes.

Shen Jingyu would always raise her eyes to look in her direction when finishing a stage of affairs.

Every time she happened to meet her hurriedly withdrawing her gaze, pretending to be looking at the scenery outside the window.

He will look at her for a long time, sometimes, for several minutes, he won't be able to return to his senses.

Outside the window is the greenery, and she is a delicate flower, which contrasts with each other.

It reminded him of the poem, she was looking at the scenery, and she herself was the scenery in the eyes of others.

The door was knocked.

Shen Jingyu said lightly: "In."

Qin Zheng walked in with Gu Yunchen.

Just after getting off the plane, Gu Yunchen went straight to He Ning as soon as he entered the door, grabbing her wrist, and checking her face.

"Isn't the little beauty okay?" Gu Yunchen looked up and down.

He rushed back from the United States overnight, and was called countless times by Shen Jingyu's life-threatening serial call.

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