Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 181: You represent San Ye

Facing He Ning's sharp questioning, Wu Shuzhen had nothing to say.

Ding Qinen had a somewhat admiring look at He Ning at this moment. This little girl was soft and weak, but at the critical moment, she was still able to support her son.

He Ning continued to keep a smile on her face: "Aunt Fifth, although I am very weak, it is difficult to say whether I can have children in the future. The relationship with Jingyu is even more difficult to say for a lifetime. However, Jingyu is Shen The person in charge of the family can be responsible for and responsible for his own decisions. Anything he does should not be something you and I have the right to question, change, and blame!"

Since Shen Jingyu gave himself this kind of power at this moment, He Ning would not just use this power to seek justice for himself.

And it should be a footnote for his authority and credibility in the Shen family!

"Mom, you must know what Jingyu is really angry for, so I think Jingyu's decision is correct, and what Aunt Chen said is correct." He Ning said, "Do not punish those who violate the power. People, Jingyu will be in the Shen family from now on. How can we continue to lead everyone, and how can we convince the public?"

Ding Qinen was still drinking tea just now, and he has put down his teacup now.

She said, "He Ning is right. She is not trying to get justice for herself, but helping Jingyu manage you nonsense people! Aunt Chen, do what Jingyu said!"

Aunt Chen stepped forward and slapped Wu Shuzhen hard.

Yu Xinyan was so frightened that she knelt down and slapped herself.

"I played it myself, I knew it was wrong! I played it myself!" Wu Shuzhen said as she beat it herself.

As the owner of the Shen family, I was slapped by Aunt Chen. In the future, in front of his servants, where is there a face to talk about?

So playing by yourself is the best!

"Papa" slapped the ears in the living room, one after another, and it hurts.

Afraid of being beaten by Aunt Chen, both Wu Shuzhen and Yu Xinyan played fairly real, almost to the palm of the hand.

Ding Qinen has been accustomed to such scenes, calm and comfortable.

After all, He Ning is less than experiencing this kind of thing, a little uncomfortable, looking out the window awkwardly.

After these 100 slaps, Wu Shuzhen and Yu Xinyan's faces were swollen into pig heads.

They looked at He Ning with hatred. However, others could no longer see what their gazes were like. After all, their eyes were so swollen that they could not be seen at all. mood.

Ding Qinen took them away with disgust.

The lessons for them this time are enough, presumably when they see He Ning in the future, they will be much better at guarding themselves.

When they left, Aunt Chen was trembling with fright: "Young lady, I will bring you tea."

"Aunt Chen, don't be afraid, you represent the third master, and they dare not be personally angry with you." He Ning comforted softly.

"Yes." Aunt Chen relaxed slowly.

In the evening, He Ning had dinner early in the morning, and read the company planning book in bed after taking a bath.

She got better after taking the company back, and it was almost time to deal with the company's affairs.

Looking at it, the time was getting late, and before he knew it, He Ning fell asleep.

When Shen Jingyu returned from the outside, she returned to her unlocked room and strode to the side of her bed.

Aunt Chen had already reported to him in detail about today's affairs. The little woman was in front of others to protect his face. Of course, he was very happy, and just wanted to see her sooner.

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