Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1868: Manage relationships with your heart

That is her greatest respect for feelings.

Chu Ning nodded: "Okay."

Knowing that she has a mature mentality, she has nothing to worry about.

Xiao Yao went back to visit Mrs. Xiao soon.

After returning a few days later, a handsome and mature man appeared beside him.

Xiao Yao shared the good news with Chu Ning for the first time.

"His name is Guo Minghui. He has cooperated with TV stations for investment before and has been pursuing me for almost a year. It seems that the person is pretty good, so I promised him this time." Xiao Yao said, "After grandma learned the news, she was much better These days, I have been with her and the doctor said that she is in good condition. After a while, I will take her over and live with me from now on.

Chu Ning was very happy for her, "What about Xiao Yue?"

"Xiao Yue has her own life, her relatives, and two daughters to raise. She can only live and work locally."

Xiao Yao approached her and said mysteriously: "In a few days, I will bring Guo Minghui to see you. You can help me check it out."

"Okay." Chu Ning agreed.

It is a good thing that Xiao Yao can come out.

She always wants to live, it is impossible to guard an impossible man for love forever.


A few days later, when Chu Ning's drama was about to come to an end, he finally had more time.

Xiao Yao asked her out and had dinner with Guo Minghui.

Chu Ning dressed very low-key, and passed away in a simple sportswear.

Xiao Yao drove to meet her and went to the restaurant together.

"Miss Chu, hello. I often hear Xiao Yao mention you, saying that you are not sisters, but better than sisters." Guo Minghui was very talkative, reached out and shook Chu Ning politely.

Chu Ning smiled: "Just like Xiao Yao, call me by name. Otherwise, is it possible that I still call you Mr. Guo?"

Guo Minghui smiled: "That's true, then I'm the same as Xiao Yao."

He is about 30 years old, mature and good-looking.

It can be seen that he is very considerate of Xiao Yao. He opened the chairs for Chu Ning and Xiao Yao, and asked in a low voice whether Xiao Yao was cold and whether to sit in a place other than the air-conditioning outlet.

"No, it's nice to sit here," Xiao Yao said.

Guo Minghui first handed the menu to Chu Ning and Xiao Yao.

Looking at this man, Chu Ning really liked Xiao Yao, and did everything well.

Love and non-love are all written in one's eyes.

She could see the feeling for Xiao Yao in her eyes.

Chu Ning breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Xiao Yao could really get out of Lan Feng's shadow.

Guo Minghui is also very talkative and can find easy and suitable topics. Although only the three of them have dinner together, they are not cold.

While eating, Guo Minghui whispered: "There is a friend of mine at the next table, I will say hello. Xiao Yao, wait for me, and I will be back soon. Chu Ning, let me lose your company."

Watching him leave, Chu Ning smiled and said, "Xiao Yao, your boyfriend is an appropriate person."

Xiao Yao smiled, "I will manage the relationship with my heart."

This is for Chu Ning to listen to, and it is also a warning to himself, since he accepts a relationship, he cannot half-hearted.

Guo Minghui walked to a table not far away and whispered a few words to his friend.

On the main seat of that table, Lan Feng was sitting suddenly.

He didn't care much about Guo Minghui who came to say hello, not to mention Guo Minghui didn't come to say hello to him, Guo Minghui was not at a level enough to know him directly.

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