Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1891: In a hurry

"The person in charge is also very anxious, and has been contacting Pan Fangfang, but Pan Fangfang just refused to show up or answer the phone. The equipment of the crew is very expensive, and the person in charge is also very embarrassed. They dare not move their equipment and arrange to damage it. I'm going to wrestle."

Chu Ning nodded and said: "We can't shoot. The person in charge will pay for us, but the missed time cannot be estimated with money. Especially today is a rare good weather. If you miss it, tomorrow it may be rainy. "

Xiao Yao said: "Who said no? So Pan Fangfang is sure to waste our time!"

She avoided seeing, even if Chu Ning wanted to discuss and negotiate with her, there was nothing to do.

Pan Fangfang really learned to be smart this time.


It seems that she still hasn't learned long memory.

Chu Ning walked over, and "The Time of That Year" was still hurrying to shoot.

Those expensive photographic equipment are being placed and still running.

Just because these equipments are too expensive, the person in charge of the beach looked at the pile of things and didn't dare to do it at all.

Seeing Chu Ning coming over, he kept on being worthy.

It is impossible for Chu Ning to smash the machine with his hands. The people in the crew are also obedient to Pan Fangfang, and there is nothing wrong with their shooting itself.

Pan Fangfang is with her assistant.

The assistant was a little worried: "Miss Pan, the person in charge of the beach is very angry. Are we really not making room?"

"When you get angry, you get angry. The big deal next time we shoot, we will change to another location. Also, for the extra time we took today, just give him an extra money."

The assistant had no choice but to stop talking.

Pan Fangfang said: "Did you not see? Today’s weather is the best recently. The results of today’s shooting must be good. The weather was gloomy yesterday, and the effects of those shots were not satisfactory. You can take them again today. once."

As for Chu Ning, she can only be anxious.

Pan Fangfang thought: "Chuning can never smash my machine, right? It's just a small problem if I delay saying that the sky is broken. If she really smashes our things, then she is a crime!"

She thought again: "When the shooting is over, I will go out and apologize to Chu Ning in the crowd, with a sincere attitude, so that everyone can see my sincerity.

In this way, are others embarrassed to say that I am wrong? Even if Chu Ning wants to care, others will only say that she is petty! It seems that I am magnanimous. "

Pan Fangfang thought again: "Even if Chu Ning wants to pierce my plagiarism in the future, others will definitely say that she is retaliating for what I did not let her film this time."

Pan Fangfang was very satisfied with the thoughts that had been turning in her heart.

No matter what, it's all under control.

Xiao Yao looked at the sky and the weather forecast said that the weather was the best in these two days, especially today.

That's why Chu Ning chose to rent the venue for these two days.

The sky was clear and vigorous, and white clouds hung high in the sky.

Clouds and clouds in the distance, a scene of noble and clean.

The weather on the beach is changeable, and I don't know when Pan Fangfang's crew will be able to withdraw.

Having missed these two days, who knows when there will be such good weather?

The time of the crew is the most tolerable.

Artists’ wages are calculated by the hour, and the cost of starting up is astronomical.

What's more, spending here is extremely detrimental to the exhaustion of the xinxing of all the staff.

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