Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1930: The company was formally established

The class manager cried and said, "Miss Xiao, can I tell you a few words?"

"Does the class manager want me to help you find Master Feng? I'm sorry, although I am not anxious, but I can't repay grievances with morals. The class manager will do things by himself in the future, so he should consider it by himself." Xiao Yao said quietly. Said.

After speaking, she walked straight to her car, started the engine and left.

The class manager stood in place, and didn't know if he had regrets in his heart, regrets being in the world, too unstructured, and fooling people at will.

A person who does nothing in his place is relaxed at that time, which makes others upset.

But the way of heaven is reincarnation, and one day, it will be his own turn.

He also knew that it was impossible for Lan Feng to help him with the degree of intimacy to Xiao Yao.


Xiao Yao's company was formally established, and it was called Mingzhi Media.

It was the result of discussions between Xiao Yao and Chu Ning.

Xiao Yao asked Xiao Yue to stay in the company to do a logistic job. Although Xiao Yue's education is not high, he is willing to endure hardships and has a sense of responsibility. This kind of work is just right.

Within the company, it has also opened its doors to recruit suitable artists.

Interviews are all checked by professionals. At present, it is mainly to sign some young artists. They are like white paper, well planned, and can grow together with the company.

I also signed a few contract release artists who had been frustrated with other companies for many years. They have experience and lack opportunities, and they will grasp the opportunity as long as they have another opportunity.

There are ten artists tentatively set. Although the number is still small, they are still decent.

When Xiao Yao and Chu Ning received the artist together, they saw a familiar face inside, but it was He Li.

He Li was also surprised, it turned out to be Xiao Yao and Chu Ning's company here.

He was about to speak, and Chu Ning smiled and said: "It's a coincidence that Xiao Yao and I are not here these days, so we have ordered ten artists, and there is still one we know."

This is to tell He Li that he can be signed to Mingzhi Media and has nothing to do with them, not intentional.

It also reassures Hori that there is no nepotism here.

Sure enough, there was a burst of light in He Li's eyes. He was an ambitious young man, and he really wanted to make a name for himself by his own ability.

After Mingzhi Media was established, Xiao Yao and Chu Ning held a ribbon-cutting ceremony and invited friends to join in.

On that day, all the friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time arrived.

He Yiming appeared with Ye Shu, who was pregnant with Liujia and was about to give birth.

Xia Sheng followed them, obviously more lively than before. His eyes looked at people moving flexibly. When he came, he stepped forward and pulled Chu Ning forward, and asked with a smile: "Aunt, where are my brothers? I brought them some fun things."

"Follow Shen Ye, probably in the back yard. Go find them."

Xia Sheng took a step forward, and now he was quite striding forward.

Gu Yunchen and Liang Yi appeared together, and Liang Yi's belly was quite big.

Liang Yi saw that Chu Ning was not so envious, and he was so envious, and worried that she had a serious morning sickness reaction, "Ning Ning, how did you have a baby? Why are you so thin now? Okay? Would you like to prescribe some nutritional supplements for you?"

"No, I can eat and sleep, but I don't have much belly."

Liang Yi was so envious, he stepped forward and touched Chu Ning's belly.

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