Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 194: Got to know some people who are different

"He Ning!" Xie Yichen stopped her. "The people who are coming tonight are all the people who have a good face in the Portuguese market. Your appearance with Yi Hao must be of great benefit to your company. Are you going to give up this opportunity? ?"

He Ning looked at Xie Yichen and said lightly: "I don't deal with company affairs in a day or two. I haven't relied on the Xie family before and will never be in the future. I hope the Xie family can think the same way."

"He Ning, you are too much to say this!" Xie Yichen said in a breath.

"Isn't it? If you have the ability, stay away from me tonight!" He Ning raised his eyebrows slightly. This raised eyebrow of the same style as Shen Jingyu made Xie Yichen shocked for a while, and he didn't dare to speak.

He Ning took the food, walked towards Shen Jingyu, and sat down in front of him: "Although these foods may not suit your appetite, they are fresh and light. You must try it!"

Seeing He Ning's away back and seeing her and Shen Jingyu you and me, Xie Yichen's eyes appeared vicious.

"She will definitely regret it!" Xie Yihao snorted coldly. At this time, He Ning is still protecting the "Cowboy"?

Xie Yichen was also annoyed and said: "Just like this, do you think you can still use He Ning? If you can't use it, then she won't let her get any benefits here!"

If you can't be a friend, then she must make enemies for He Ning, and she will not allow He Ning to obtain the resources and opportunities to surpass the Xie family!

While we were talking, there was a burst of laughter in the center of the hall, and Feng Xueli's voice came from the speakers: "Everyone, thank you for the honor of someone Feng's banquet tonight!"

Everyone moved towards the center, guarding Feng Xueli's group.

Xie Yihao and Xie Yichen also went forward immediately.

He Ning stood up, but held down Shen Jingyu: "You are good to eat, I will go there first, and I will come back to you later."

Under her strong guidance, he eats very slowly, and he hasn't finished half of it yet.

He Ning got up and left, Shen Jingyu raised his eyes, and followed her, she was like a light in the crowd, no matter where he went, he could quickly locate her position and direction.

Feng Xueli spoke on stage, thanking the guests for coming tonight.

Mrs. Feng also stood beside him, and the husband and wife greeted the guests together.

After he finished a few sentences, Xie Yichen and Xie Yihao both stepped forward and said: "Uncle Feng, you are really more and more personable and imposing; Aunt Feng is getting younger and younger and more beautiful."

"Only you are the sweetest. Where is He Ning?" Feng Xueli finished, but was looking for He Ning.

He and He Ning's mother, Ms. Ning, are old acquaintances, so he has been very fond of He Ning. Xie Yihao was able to get to know him because of He Ning.

Few people know about He Ning and Xie Yihao's dissolution of their marriage.

Xie Yihao found that He Manni was far inferior to He Ning, and it has not been announced yet.

So Feng Xueli still doesn't know about this.

"He Ning's temperament has changed drastically recently, which may have something to do with her illness. We have been working hard to help her, but the effect is very mediocre." Xie Yichen said in a very regretful tone.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Feng Xueli asked. He glanced at Mrs. Feng. In fact, the two also heard some rumors recently that He Ning was raising a "cowboy" outside.

"She, I met some unconventional people outside. She also raised...a ‘cowboy’." Xie Yichen said hesitantly.

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