Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 197: He still asked He Ning for help

She said affectionately: "Aunt Feng, this is a gift I presented to you. It was not prepared by my sister. They made a mistake! I remember that you two elders were specially prepared by me and have nothing to do with my sister."

Mrs. Feng took it and said with a smile: "Thank you."

The expressions of Xie Yichen and Xie Yihao changed.

He Ning smiled happily and said: "Yes, the servant made a mistake, I didn't prepare a gift. Since Mannie prepared it, I definitely can't take credit for her."

He Manni glanced at He Ning triumphantly. She hadn't settled accounts with He Ning about the hospital affairs!

Mrs. Feng opened the gift box in public, and Xie Yichen and Xie Yihao wanted to stop it, but they couldn't.

In the gift box, there is a wreath used to pay homage to the dead, and some joss sticks and paper money. The paper pierced by the virgins, under the light of night, looks strange and permeating!

"Ah!" Mrs. Feng screamed in surprise and threw the box out.

Suddenly, these things used to pay tribute to the dead were scattered all over the house.

Everyone looked over here, and many people saw that this was a gift from Hermanie to Mrs. Feng. At this moment, they saw that there was such a thing inside, and they all whispered.

"What does Hermanie mean? Is her brain broken?"

"It's really bad luck! Good dinner, get these things! Bah, baah, you don't see it, the bad luck dissipates!"

"Didn't the last time the newspaper say that He Manni and He Ning are not twin sisters at all. She was born to Chen Fufen from the He family. By all accounts, she is really the daughter of the third child!"

"No wonder, I thought it was lace news in the newspaper. Seeing her indiscriminate behavior, what the newspaper said should be true!"

He Ning squinted at Xie Yichen and Xie Yihao. It turned out that they prepared something like this.

It seemed that she refused their acknowledgment and compound request, and they were ready to make a heavy hand and cut her way.

But looking at the current situation, I don't know whose path was broken.

Mrs. Feng was so angry that she almost fainted. She pointed at He Manni: "He Manni, what hatred or grievance do I have with you, are you going to curse me like this?"

"I... I didn't mean it..." He Manni was also taken aback and pointed at He Ning, "It's her, she prepared the things, it has nothing to do with me, it really has nothing to do with me!"

He Ning supported Mrs. Feng, patted her chest to help her get along, and said, "I didn't prepare it. Before giving the gift, you have already made it very clear, isn't this all your heart? Everyone heard it. Isn't it?"

Everyone nodded and said yes, especially just now, when Hermani rushed in from outside and ran so fast, many people had seen it with their own eyes.

At that time, she was attracted by her, and everyone naturally heard everything she said.

He Manni wanted to cry without tears: "No, this...those things are all prepared by Sister Yichen and Yihao. I heard it with my own ears outside..."

Xie Yichen was annoyed: "He Manni, don't shirk responsibility, this has nothing to do with our Xie family!"

Now, no one believes in Hermanie, she is standing in the center, accepting the condemned gaze of everyone, and every accusation followed.

"Sister, you help me..." He Manni looked at He Ning for help.

Since she was a child, she has been too accustomed to He Ning's protection, but whenever something happens, she still thinks of asking He Ning's help for the first time.

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