Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 199: Can the Xie family’s contacts be cut off?

Seeing that she was so knowledgeable and reasonable, Feng Xueli said very sincerely. How could she be disappointed just now?

He wanted to understand that everything just now was nothing but the instigation of Xie's sister and brother. In order to instigate success, he even planned to frame He Ning with a "gift box"!

After figuring it out, Feng Xueli had long lost the good feelings he had before for the siblings and turned into disappointment and hatred.

Seeing Feng Xueli's expression, both Xie Yichen and Xie Yihao felt threatened.

No, they must not lose the support of Feng Xueli!

Xie Yichen must restore this situation and said, "Uncle Feng, in fact, we still hope to continue to cooperate with you. Because not only the Xie family hopes to have in-depth cooperation with the Feng family, but even the Shen family in Jingyuan City also hopes. That's it!"

Everyone focused on hearing her mention the Shen family in Jingyuan City.

Feng Xueli's heart was also moved. The Shen family in Jingyuan City has always been powerful and prestigious. They take both the official and business ways. Their business covers all walks of life. If they can get involved with the Shen family, their career will undoubtedly be better. One floor.

Not only Feng Xueli, but even the others are full of longing and envy.

It's just that the Shen family in Jingyuan City rarely travels outside, and their status is too high to be seen by ordinary businessmen like them, so although they all have a high spirit of climbing, they don't have too many opportunities.

Seeing Feng Xueli's fascination, everyone else was envious. Xie Yichen raised his head high and said, "I am engaged to the Shen family, and I will be the young grandmother of the Shen family. Therefore, the Shen family and the Xie family are like one family."

After her reminder, everyone remembered that Xie Yichen was indeed engaged to Shen Yaozong of the Shen family.

They don't know how Shen Yaozong's status in the Shen family is, but listening to this name, this domineering is definitely a powerful role of the Shen family.

Taking 10,000 steps back, Shen Yaozong's identity as the Shen family was enough to shock everyone!

"Uncle Feng, actually..." He Ning called him, hoping that he would not be misled and deceived by Xie Yichen.

"Actually, what? Uncle Feng will definitely continue to work with us, right?" Xie Yichen interrupted He Ning with a smile. She knew that once she said her identity, it must be amazing.

Not only does Feng Xueli want to cooperate with his own family, but even those people in the audience, who don't want to?

Xie Yichen squinted at He Ning, without paying any attention to He Ning.

Does He Ning think she can cut off Xie Yihao's contacts? Too naive to think! With her, the future young grandmother of the Shen family, here, can He Ning cut it off?

After finishing eating, Shen Jingyu walked towards He Ning.

He was very trustworthy. He promised that He Ning would finish eating, and then he ate it all. He promised that she would chew slowly, chewing sixty times in each bite, and then swallow it completely according to this rhythm.

He didn't worry about the situation on He Ning's side. Although she was weak, she was always clever and cunning to resolve those small situations.

Seeing Shen Jingyu strode towards him, the corners of He Ning's lips began to rise involuntarily.

Shen Jingyu walked up to her, circled her in his arms, and moved very intimately.

Everyone was shocked by Shen Jingyu's aura. When he appeared, everyone could not help but make way for him.

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