Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 206: Not so

"My husband..." He Ning yelled a little hesitantly, her voice almost inaudible, her breath was unstable and mixed with soft moans, tears falling down like pearls.

I don’t know if it’s because of pain or happiness...

Shen Jingyu's kiss fell on her face, covered her eyes, and kissed her tears.

At this moment, he can only use more powerful methods to soothe her body and mind and respond to her cry.

As the impact he brought more intense, He Ning's voice was no longer under her control: "husband...husband..."

The corners of Shen Jingyu's lips rose, and all this now made him truly satisfied.


Early the next morning, He Ning opened his tired eyes, and the sun had already cast a thin halo on the window.

There was a sore pain in the waist and legs, which made her cry softly before sitting up, blushing and whispering to herself, "What kind of lollipop, it's not delicious at all." ..."

"Really?" Shen Jingyu's voice was filled with laziness, and she reached out and hooked her shoulders.

She rolled into his arms at once.

"Ah!" He Ning was even more surprised than last night, why is he still in her room?

He had almost never stayed in her room before, especially since it was late today.

She had never thought that he would still be here.

Shen Jingyu actually woke up early in the morning. It is rare to have time to hug her and sleep, holding her until she wakes up naturally, his always stern face has more soft lines and less sharp lines.

His eyes also changed from the deep depth of the cold pool that they used to be, and became warm.

He Ning dared not look closely at his eyes when he complained softly just now.

"Isn't it delicious?" He rubbed her chin with his rough fingers. "That's not what your body said..."

Oh my! He Ning was almost ashamed when he heard him mention her embarrassment seriously, lying on his chest as an ostrich.

She closed her eyes and pretended to sleep, but she couldn't avoid the restless palm of her body.

"Um..." She couldn't help but groaned.

Shen Jingyu put his chin on top of her head and let out a small smile. Her cute look really made him feel good.

He Ning put aside his hand and turned her back to him. She really had nothing to complain about. He actually took into account her feelings every time and didn't just ask for it...

And when she was tired to start washing, he also used a hot towel to help her carefully, and then put some medicine on her to make her more comfortable.

In addition to being too tired, in fact, these things that I did with him were joy from the heart.

He was right, the body can't deceive people, and the happiness she gets from him may not be less than the happiness he gets from her.

She was just ashamed to face it, and she had no confidence in the future and the courage to face it.

Just thinking about it, his arms hugged her from behind, his chin pressed against her neck.

The stubble that had just emerged, gently rubbed her delicate skin, itching so that Hening gave out a crisp and sweet laugh.

Shen Jingyu kissed her from behind and asked for sweetness with a deep kiss...

He Ning couldn't help but roll over to face him, nestled in his arms, using a better posture to keep the long kiss with him.

Shen Jingyu let go of her and said in a low voice, "I'm going back to Jingyuan City these days."

"Yeah." He Ning nodded gently.

He was originally from Jingyuan City, so there is nothing wrong with going back.

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