Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 208: It would be great if you could come back

He Yiming's expression turned cold when he heard Gu Yunchen's words: "What do you mean?"

Knowing that He Yiming, a nurse girl mad demon, has always been like this, and can't tolerate anyone saying bad things about He Peishan, not to mention that her own words still imply that her illness is not well cured, Gu Yunchen hurriedly remedied: "What's the meaning of me? She needs me, so I'll go back."

He Yiming's expression did not relax, and Gu Yunchen's words were indeed not unreasonable.

He Peishan didn't know how many doctors he had seen since he was young, but they were all useless.

Even the most advanced medical institution in the United States can only advise her to strengthen her physical fitness, and cannot cure her disease.

Gu Yunchen is still the world's top doctor in this area, and what he can do can only help improve.

If it wasn't because other doctors didn't care about it, and only Gu Yunchen's medicine was still useful, He Yiming would not come and take Gu Yunchen back in person.

"Right?" Gu Yunchen abducted Shen Jingyu's arm.

Shen Jingyu still did not speak, keeping a serious silence.

"You don't need to keep your face calm. You owe Shanshan half his life anyway. She is looking forward to seeing you back, and she is not sorry for you." He Yiming said, with a hint of mockery in his voice.

When Shen Jingyu was brought back when she was young, her whole body was injured and her head was not spared.

All the doctors said that he almost lost the will to survive, and it was a miracle that he could get his life back.

The person who can make Shen Jingyu ignite the will to survive is He Peishan, so now Shanshan needs him, and He Yiming feels that Shen Jingyu has an inescapable responsibility.

Feeling the smell of gunpowder in the air, Gu Yunchen closed her mouth quietly and stopped talking.

Speaking of which, He Yiming and Shen Jingyu had a very good relationship.

Because the He family and the Shen family are family friends, He Yiming's mother Lan Xi and Shen Jingyu's mother Ding Qinen are also best friends, and the two have always been close together.

However, because Shen Jingyu suddenly announced that he had married a woman, and the news reached Jingyuan City, not only the Shen family was shocked, but even the He family was shocked when Shen's father and Shen mother came here!

He Peishan was anxious and his condition worsened, He Yiming put down military affairs and came to Shen Jingyu himself.

But Shen Jingyu did not intend to change the current status quo.

Gu Yunchen, as the hairpin of the two of them, is the best choice at present only to be serious and silent.

When the car entered Jingyuan City, it did not return to Shen's or He's house, but drove directly to the hospital.

After getting out of the car, He Mu Lanxi greeted her. She wiped the tears that fell and smiled: "Jingyu, Yunchen, it would be great if you could come back!"

She carried the grace of a lady, but her expression was a little sad, and her eyes looked a little red because of crying.

Gu Yunchen said, "Auntie, let's go in for Shanshan's inspection."

"Okay, come with me." Lan Xi said hurriedly, her eyes lit up a lot because of Gu Yunchen's return.

After the sadness on his face diminished, his expression brightened.

Everyone went to the sterile glass ward in the hospital.

He Peishan needs to live in a germ-free room most of the time.

If an ordinary person is suffering from this disease, I am afraid that the medical expenses alone can drag a family down, and it is even more impossible to live in a disease-free environment.

However, the He family built a special sun room for He Peishan at home and in the hospital. It was made of glass. From the inside, you can see all the scenery outside, and you can also feel the alternation of the four seasons.

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