Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 210: What does that woman look like?

"Big Brother, how can Brother Yu be like this? He used to be very good to me, but now he is getting colder and colder..." He Peishan cried in He Yiming's arms.

"He is just too tired, there are a lot of things in the army, and the Shen family is also a big mess waiting for him to deal with." He Yiming counseled.

He Peishan still cried, "But, he, he treats me..."

He Yiming could only hold her, and kept whispering to her to comfort her.

Although He Peishan is a little headstrong, He Yiming loves her more than her parents.

He Peishan was so wronged, and Shen Jingyu was indifferent, and he refused to stay with him all the time.

What she didn't know was that because of her childhood illness, the He family had already exhausted her efforts, especially her mother Lan Xi, who almost gave up her life's happiness, gave up most of her social life and the careers she worked hard at when she was young, to accompany her , Guard her.

For this reason, Shen Jingyu sought out doctors from various countries to treat her.

However, Shen Jingyu is not her mother, and he can't be with her at any time, not separating every minute.

He has no responsibility or obligation to give up his entire life for her condition.

He Yiming understands all of the above.

He Peishan refused to accept this reality.

He Yiming sometimes feels that he owes Shen Jingyu a lot to the He family, but sometimes he also feels unreasonable because of Shen Jingyu's indifference.

In fact, he owes He Peishan more than Shen Jingyu owes He Peishan.

After the parents had him, they actually didn't plan to have any more children. They all have their own business to be busy.

It was because of his illness that changed the minds of his parents.

At that time, he was seriously ill, and the doctor said that only the cord blood of his biological brothers and sisters could save him.

However, at that time, Lan Xi was not fit to conceive and have a baby anymore, but in order to save him, they chose the method of IVF. Lan Xi went to great pains to give birth to He Peishan and save He Yiming’s life. .

At that time, the technology of IVF was not particularly mature, so He Peishan was not in good health from birth, and was later diagnosed with such diseases.

It can be said that He Peishan came into this world because of He Yiming. He Yiming always felt that all the suffering she suffered was for her own sake.

If it weren't for herself, she would not be born, would not endure suffering, and would not waste her life because she could not lead a normal life.

So, no matter what He Peishan wants, he will send it to her for her!

No matter how many unreasonable wishes she has, he will fulfill them for her.

It's just Shen Jingyu's feelings...but he can't control it.

"Shanshan, be good, you will definitely get better..." He Yiming hugged her, patted her shoulders, soothing her emotions.

"I know, I'm not good enough for Brother Yu... The doctor said, I can't get married, I can't have children..." He Peishan looked at the hospital gown on her body and laughed at herself, "Look, even if you come to see me, All have to wear sterile medical clothes. I'm a waste person at all...Don't say Brother Yu, even if it's any man, I won't want a woman like me..."

He Yiming was heartbroken: "Shanshan, don't say that..."

He Peishan smiled bitterly: "Brother, tell me honestly, what does that woman look like?"

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