Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 219: Still not letting go!

Seeing Huang Dili scratching Ye Shu, Ye Shu was framed by someone and couldn't dodge at all. He Ning rushed out and stopped in front of Ye Shu!

Huang Dili grabbed He Ning's clothes: "He Ning, your friend's three-year prison sentence is inevitable! Have you considered my opinion?"

Huang Dili tore Ye Shu, in fact, to force He Ning to quickly agree to reconcile Xie Yihao.

"Is there any jail? It's not your decision, my lawyer is on his way! Before that, no one can touch my friend!" He Ning shook off Huang Dili's hand.

"Okay, then kill this **** who hurt my son!" Huang Dili had prepared a few thugs to come over. With a wave of her hand, the thugs rushed towards Ye Shu.

Now she won't move He Ning, but she won't be polite to Ye Shu. She can't move her hands and can let the thugs take action.

Anyway, these policemen will open their eyes and close their eyes. Huang Dili holds the initiative and is very arrogant!

He Ning anxiously stepped forward to protect Ye Shu. At this moment, there was a sound of uniform footsteps outside, and a pair of people rushed in, protecting Ye Shu and He Ning in the center.

Huang Dili and her thugs were all pushed to the periphery, and they were not close to He Ning and Ye Shu at all.

He Ning looked outside, not only lawyer Nie Tianhua came over, but also Shen Jingyu who accompanied him!

Shen Jingyu, didn't he return to Jingyuan City?

Because of this, He Ning did not call him directly, but only asked Nie Tianhua to help.

But now, he really appeared in front of her, strode towards her, his face was condensed with frost, his black eyes were wrapped in snow, and his long sword eyebrows were sharp.

Walked to He Ning's side, stretched out his hand to carry her into his arms.

There was a smile on the corners of his lips, but this smile made people shudder, because at the bottom of his eyes, the pupils exuded sharp light, like a sharp knife, to pierce Huang Dili!

"You, you..." Huang Dili recognized Shen Jingyu. Although she was a little frightened, she still held her demeanor. "Aren't you the adulterer of He Ning? I tell you, those who are acquainted should get out of the way! She is about to follow Yi soon. How has gotten back together and won't have anything to do with you anymore!"

Hearing these words, Shen Jingyu's eyes were even more disgusting and indifference.

Huang Dili was actually forced back by his gaze.

"Lawyer Nie, you negotiate with the police to release people." Shen Jingyu said.

"Yes." Nie Tianhua walked in immediately, and he came forward, not only to represent the lawyer, but also to have the power behind the third master.

District police station, who has the courage to keep the third master to take away!

Huang Dili couldn't help yelling: "Why? He Ning and her friends have labeled Yihao like that. You must be responsible! You must go to jail! The police can't release people casually!"

However, she hadn't finished her voice yet, and the chief of the police station personally accompanied Lawyer Nie out and said loudly, "Don't let anyone go!"

In just a few words, Huang Dili's face turned pale a little when the director came forward to release the people personally.

Immediately, He Ning and Ye Shu regained their freedom, and Ye Shu stood beside He Ning.

Shen Jingyu half hugged He Ning, almost enclosing her in his arms.

At this moment, he just wanted to hold her like this and never let go, because she approached obediently, his smile spread from the corners of his lips to the bottom of his eyes.

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