Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 223: Even he can't control it

"Husband, don't do this, Ye Shu has a very different relationship with me, so that's why." He Ning explained softly.

However, the more she explained that Ye Shu was different from her, the more she angered Shen Jingyu.

Even the word "husband" she blurted out made him feel unhappy!

No matter how good the relationship is, he can't allow others to kiss her!

Seeing Qiao Hai turned around, He Ning couldn't help but worry even more.

"Qiao Hai, don't go back, let's go home!" He Ning tried to make Qiao Hai go home directly.

But Qiao Hai glanced at the rear-view mirror, Shen Jingyu's face was covered with dark clouds, how could he dare to listen to He Ning?

However, he couldn't help but listen to He Ning, because Shen Jingyu had already explained that he couldn't refuse any request from He Ning!

So Qiao Hai’s car was a bit difficult to drive. He didn't dare to make a decision whether to return to the police station or go home. The speed of the car naturally slowed down!

"Qiao Hai, what's the matter?" Shen Jingyu raised her volume and asked sharply.

Qiao Hai was excited, and the speed of the car increased.

"Qiao Hai, stop!" He Ning shouted loudly.

With a click, the baffles of the front and rear seats were pulled down, and Shen Jingyu no longer gave Hening the opportunity to order Qiao Hai.

He Ning's cheeks flushed red from anger: "Shen Jingyu, what are you going to do! Ye Shu is just my friend, don't you have friends since childhood? You can't just because of our girls' affairs, that's it!"

Because of her anger, she was not as obedient as she was accustomed to, and her aura became stronger.

Shen Jingyu lowered his head, his eyes flushed with jealousy and jealousy.

He grabbed He Ning's hands and put them on the car window glass, with an unconcealable cold in his eyes.

He kissed her abruptly, and the hot kiss burned her and him. In this way, he tried to cover his mark on the place where others had kissed.

He also tried to dissipate the breath left by others on her lips.

He just couldn't control himself. After returning from Jingyuan City, he found that he cared about her more and more and allowed her not to belong to him.

He could still pet her and love her lightly before, but now, he is completely afraid of losing her!

However, he will eventually lose her again!

Once this kind of painful emotion erupts, even he can't control the lethality it produces!

What happened to Ye Shu was just a fuse, it was just his anger at his powerlessness when he discovered that he was uncontrollable and out of control!

He Ning felt that his lips were bitten by him. She was obviously the one who should be angry, and she should be angry that he didn't respect her friend and didn't give her freedom.

But she could feel his anger and slowly drowned her.

His anger was mixed with forbearance, restlessness, reluctance, regret, and even fear...

He Ning sensitively felt his various emotions, and the original resistance and struggle slowly dissipated with it.

What is he afraid of?

He is so powerful, not only has the background of the proud son of heaven, but also relies on the hard work of the day after tomorrow to have a power that ordinary people can't match.

Does he have time to be scared?

He Ning gradually relaxed and kissed him back. She didn't know why she wanted to do this. She only knew that she wanted to calm his emotions and didn't want him to sink in fragility.

Shen Jingyu released her hand, but He Ning grabbed his palm instead, buckled his palm, trying to transfer his power to her.

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