Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2317: The contrast is too tragic

This is what I really look like. I have been seen by others, so what?

Even if it is not beautiful or beautiful, but this is a show that competes with singing, and she looks like this. All of this is just real, and she doesn't need to feel sorry and guilty for this.

The live broadcast continued, and Wei Yuxin was still picking her own pk.

At this moment, the scene where Su Mi showed her face has already been searched.

The contrast between the voice and the face was so tragic, it was directly ranked first on the hot search list by Weibo fans, attracting more and more passersby to come to eat melon.

Even people who originally had no interest in the show came to watch the moment the mask fell.

Su Mi was ridiculed terribly.

Regarding her appearance, figure, and voice, there is a disillusioned voice on the Internet.

Everyone's requirements for artists are very strict. A little bit fat, old, wrinkled, and bad skin can all be your attack points.

But Su Mi now seemed to have all the attack points in one body.

At this moment, the host is asking Wei Yuxin: "Beautiful little flowers, now you can choose your challenge opponent. I don't know if you have already thought about it in your heart, who do you want to choose?"

"I'll choose the national treasure giant panda, I want to fight against the master." Wei Yuxin chose a high-sounding reason for herself.

There was a hint of crying in her voice, as if she was very guilty about what happened just now, and she was also greatly wronged in her heart. It can make people think whether she was scolded by the program crew, and it made people feel sorry. .

"Our beautiful little flower also chose the national treasure giant panda! This will be the fifth challenger for the national treasure giant panda to face tonight! What kind of performance they will do next, let us wait and see! National treasure giant panda ,are you ready?"

"Alright." Su Mi's voice was very stable, and she had smoothly calmed down from the sudden accident just now.

"Then what kind of music do you choose?" the host asked, "The national treasure giant panda, among the remaining songs, there are not many that suit your voice. Have you considered what to choose?"

Su Mi said faintly: "Whatever the beautiful little flower chooses, I will choose whatever, and I will sing the same song with her!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar.

The national treasure giant panda chooses to sing the same song as the beautiful little flower, or let the little flower choose, and she sings along!

Each player's vocal range, vocal conditions and areas of expertise are different. The more suitable songs are selected, the easier it will be to achieve results and the more sure they will be against opponents.

But the panda, a national treasure, made such a choice. Was it arrogant or self-confident?

Wei Yuxin was eager for Su Mi to die by herself, and immediately chose a song. This was a sweet song she had practiced for a long time. Although Su Mi was able to control sweet songs just now, she had already revealed her true appearance just now, even if she sang sweet songs, Will anyone pay the bill?

Because Su Mi saw Wei Yuxin's thoughts, it didn't really matter what she sang.

At this moment, everyone was still immersed in disappointment with her appearance. Even if they sang one hundred points, they might not be able to get as much support as before. Su Mi had already expected this.

PK has officially begun, and a **** duel is inevitable.

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