Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2335: Eat your meat, the price is so high?

Only Su Mi was hooked and the whole person was not very good.

Chu Zhuohang put a piece of grilled steak and a piece of pork belly on her dinner plate.

"I..." Su Mi looked at the two pieces of meat and swallowed.

"Eat if you want." Chu Zhuohang felt a little distressed when she saw how she was losing weight all day.

Her complexion is not good anymore, her face is not as rosy as before, and she hasn't lost any flesh.

In that case, why not eat it?

Su Mi still hesitated: "Although Sister Cao gave up and I'm on the verge of giving up, I always feel that I can work harder. I used to be really not fat at all, and I always eat. Not fat."

"When you completely stand at the intersection of giving up, you may have starved to death a long time ago." Chu Zhuohang glanced at her.

Su Mi held the fork, her eyes hesitating.

Chu Zhuohang calmly sliced ​​a piece of roasted pork belly, which was still frothy, sprinkled a little black pepper, and gently shook a little sea salt on it.

Suddenly, the scent became stronger and permeated the entire table for a long time.

He forkped a piece slowly, placed it in front of the tip of his nose, and took a gentle breath, with a look of enjoyment on his face.

Su Mi's saliva is almost left, he eats so elegantly, and eats so fragrantly...

If the saliva really came out, her instep would definitely be swollen.

He put the meat in his mouth and chewed with a look of enjoyment.

"Okay, okay, I gave up very much!" Su Mi crossed the pork belly and put it in her mouth.

Chu Zhuohang smiled and said, "What else to eat? I'll bake it for you."

"We need fat beef, chicken wings, squid and scallops." Su Mi said in one breath, these were things she hadn't eaten for months.

Chu Zhuohang helped her bake, and rolled up the sleeves, revealing a strong forearm, not only the arms are good-looking, but the movements are also that good.

Su Mi looked at it for a while and realized that it was the young master who was helping herself to bake the food, but she was enjoying it here, and said hurriedly, "I'll bake it myself."

She held it, Chu Zhuohang did not let go, she held the back of his hand.

She was shocked and wanted to pull it back. Chu Zhuohang had already backhanded and held her fingers.

Su Mi's mind suddenly went blank, and she was held by Chu Zhuohang for a while.

It was Chu Zhuohang's hand that first released, and when Su Mi retracted her hand, her palm was already wet with sweat.

She raised her eyes to look at Chu Zhuohang, and Chu Zhuohang also looked at her, and said, "Eat more if you like. Taking care of Chen Bao is very tiring."

"Yeah." Su Mi's mind was squishy, ​​and she replied casually.

"Su Mi."


"After you officially debut, you can live here too. Chen Bao needs you. I...so do." Chu Zhuohang said softly.

"Ah? Oh. Okay. What?" Su Mi's mind was messed up.

Chu Zhuohang said flatly: "I mean, you stay and take care of Chen Bao with me. I can also take care of you and Chen Bao."

What does it mean? Su Mi was suddenly messed up.

What does it mean to take care of Chen Bao with him? No, what does it mean that he can take care of her and Chen Bao?

Chu Zhuohang put dishes on her dinner plate: "It means that we are together. You will not leave the Chu Family Manor in the future."

"Haha." Su Mi smirked, "Isn't it, eating your meat, the price is so high?"

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