Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2389: Have a date?

"I will." Chu Zhuohang replied solemnly.

Su's mother felt a little more satisfied.

Su Mi has been busy preparing for her new album during this time.

This is not only her debut album, but also has a great effect on whether she can lay the foundation for her in the music world.

Zhuo Yan would come here from time to time, instruct her in certain aspects, and make some suggestions on her singing.

Su Mi is also very concerned about Wei Yuxin's current situation.

Wei Yuxin will definitely not die, still dissatisfied with herself, and may even do something excessive.

So Su Mi knew that she could not take it lightly, otherwise she would be calculated.

It's just that Wei Yuxin hasn't moved much recently, and has been recording honestly, even when she saw Su Mi, she showed a very modest smile.

Everything seems to be fine.

"Sister Cao, do you know what Wei Yuxin is doing?" Su Mi asked Sister Cao.

"I'm recording her new album, but what kind of style is she going and what she sings? This is Shui's secret, and I can't find out. Why, are you still worried about her?"

"As long as she doesn't make trouble."

Chu Zhuohang also asked someone to check the current status of Wei Yuxin and Shui Ge and knew that they had been recording albums honestly.

In this case, Chu Zhuohang will not move Wei Yuxin for the time being.

As long as she doesn't move Su Mi, Chu Zhuohang will not take the initiative to trouble her.

For two consecutive months of recording, Su Mi spent almost the same time in the studio, and spent a lot of time with Zhuo Yan.

The outside world is quite tolerant of this, and they all seem to know that Zhuo Yan can't be attracted to Su Mi.

After being busy for these two months, Su Mi's time to accompany Xiao Chen has also been much less.

The day was finally almost busy, and all the songs were recorded.

Do some more post-production work, and it's almost the same.

All the staff stood up, their faces filled with joy.

"I invite you for dinner tonight." Zhuo Yan said with a smile.

"Okay, thank you Teacher Zhuo."

When eating, Su Mi was absent-minded, watching her mobile phone while eating.

"Have a date?" Zhuo Yan asked.

"No, it's just something at home. But it doesn't matter, I'll stay a little longer." She went back late this week and she didn't see Xiao Chen very much, so she felt flustered.

I thought I could accompany him more tonight.

Zhuo Yan smiled and said: "I originally wanted to ask you out for a coffee after dinner and talk about our follow-up cooperation."

"Follow-up cooperation?" Su Mi's eyes lit up.

"Yes, I found that the few songs you wrote yourself have a bright rhythm, a very good melody, and a professional level. I want to invite you to write two songs for me in the future. Originally, today I planned to talk to you about this matter. of."

Su Mi knows that this kind of opportunity is very rare, and with Zhuo Yan's support, her own development will also make great progress.

She said: "Then I will tell the family first, let's go out and sit for a while."

Zhuo Yan smiled and said: "Doesn't it affect your home?"

"No effect." Su Mi nodded immediately.

She took out her mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Chu Zhuohang, telling him that there was no way to go back early tonight.

In fact, he was used to Su Mi now leaving early and returning late, but Su Mi had booked to go back earlier today, and now she has broken her promise, so she is actually quite guilty.

After dinner, Zhuo Yan and Su Mi found a place to sit down again.

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