Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 239: Brother Yu, come to see me

"With me, of course there is no problem." Gu Yunchen continued to dispense the medicine without raising his head.

Shen Jingyu's eyes moved slightly: "Then you are not there?"

"It's okay. My medicine is as diligent as my medical skills." Gu Yunchen put the medicines in different categories. "But I'm not medicine. Can you bring me here? Ok?"

Shen Jingyu turned to go out and walked towards the glass ward.

What he said to Gu Baoyan that day, it is necessary to say to He Peishan again, the thought of not cutting off is a sharp sword for hurting others and self.

Every time he spoke before, she used to make excuses to avoid discussing this issue with him over and over again.

He used to care about her body, and always pushed back some words.

But now, he didn't want this to be a hidden danger that was buried and hurt He Ning.

Those who did not have the opportunity to speak clearly to He Peishan, now, should be told to her at the same time.

The nurse who has been looking after He Peishan for a long time saw Shen Jingyu's figure and immediately said, "San Ye, I'll go and inform Miss He that you are here..."

"There is no need..." Shen Jingyu stopped.

The nurse's expression was a little evasive.

A trace of doubt flashed in Shen Jingyu's eyes.

The nurse ran forward with the medicine tray.

"Stop!" Shen Jingyu yelled softly, and the nurse was too scared to move.

Shen Jingyu became suspicious, stared coldly, and glanced at her: "Give me the phone. Don't move until I come back!"

The nurse handed him the phone.

Shen Jingyu walked slowly towards the glass ward.

His footsteps were very light, and he didn't disturb anyone.

Lan Xi and He Yiming were talking in another room. In the ward, He Peishan was the only person in the ward.

However, there was no one inside.

Shen Jingyu glanced around inside and found He Peishan standing outside the glass ward.

It was late and the breeze was blowing, and she stood there without even wearing a coat.

Shen Jingyu flew slantingly into the temple's sword eyebrows, and suddenly twisted, a chill in her eyes.

He Peishan heard the footsteps, turned around and saw that it was Shen Jingyu. He was startled and his face turned pale.

Immediately, she said happily: "Brother Yu, why didn't you say anything in advance when you came to see me?"

She subconsciously squeezed the palm of her hand, and her trembling hand pointed out the panic in her heart.

"Gu Yunchen made you stand here?" Han Li asked, with his usual domineering and indifferent.

"No, it's not..." He Peishan has never seen such a fierce Shen Jingyu.

In the past, even if she made troubles unreasonably, he would just smile helplessly.

But now, she felt that he was really angry. It was a silent anger, flowing in the air that she couldn't bear.

Shen Jingyu threw a piece of clothing over, which he took out of the ward.

"Put it on, go back, let's talk."

From the moment he saw the nurse, he was aware of the situation.

In order to keep herself, He Peishan did not hesitate to expose her body to the air that she could not afford?

Is she a hard-hearted love, or hysterical madness?

He Peishan felt a touch of satisfaction after receiving the clothes thrown by Shen Jingyu.

Did he not forget to care about himself?

After so many years of friendship, he still thought about it, didn't he give up completely?

There was a hint of joy in He Peishan's eyes. No matter what woman he was with, as long as he had a slight change of heart, she could completely ignore it!

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