Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2405: What little fairy is this

After Su Mi announced these things, Wei Yuxin and Shui Ge received a summons from the court to hear Su Mi's case against Wei Yuxin for plagiarism.

Wei Yuxin couldn't help it all at once. With the presence of the state agency, she was scared and persuaded... God knows that she can't even talk about guitars and can't recognize the staff. It is very difficult to forcibly learn these things from Su Mi. Things up.

Once the state agency intervened, she would really be over.

Brother Shui actually suspected Wei Yuxin from the beginning, but he still took a chance to create a popular singer to make a profit.

Now that the facts are before him, he can only give up Wei Yuxin.

"I was also deceived. When I saw Wei Yuxin's song, I thought she was a manufacturable. I couldn't verify her authenticity, so I made mistakes..."

Brother Shui cunningly shrugged off all responsibilities.

Wei Yuxin looked at him incredulously, but could not blame Brother Shui, because she did not tell the truth to Brother Shui from beginning to end.

It can only be said that she and Brother Shui have each had a different fluke mentality, but Brother Shui is more fortunate than her and can get out quickly, and what awaits her will be unknown consequences...

Huanxi Entertainment quickly terminated the contract with Wei Yuxin. Brother Shui was very resolute in his work, and would not involve himself in any risk.

Wei Yuxin also saw through this agent, who is above everything else and interests first.

But she has no retreat.

Huanxi Entertainment’s termination of the contract with Wei Yuxin is undoubtedly an admission to the public that Wei Yuxin did the plagiarism this time, and she is the only person to bear the responsibility, and no one else in the team knows it.

They are quicker to abandon an artist who has no real talent than to give up a drummer in a team.

The outside world finally got the truth of the matter, and they also understood that Su Mi did not plagiarize, and she did indeed learn from the truth.

Immediately afterwards, the videos she had previously broadcast live on the Internet were also dug out.

These were things that Su Mi hadn't announced before. They belonged to the past glory, and they were also the past that she didn't want to use.

Her previous video received a lot of clicks: "It turns out that this is what Su Mi really looks like, it's a goddess!"

"I can do this kind of video again, do it again, and do it again a hundred million times!"

"Ren Mei Ge Tian is talking about Su Mi, what kind of fairy is this."

"It's a pity that the little fairy turned out to be that way. What a pity, regret!"

"I used to have a very sweet voice. I am very comfortable with such a voice! Su Mi now has a damaged voice. What kind of doctor or medicine is this?"

The video that Wei Yuxin had taken by fans before was the one where she entered and left the practice room, leaving things in the practice room. The high-definition version was also enlarged by someone with a heart. Only then did everyone discover that the so-called secret file she was holding was fundamentally It's just a blank, just plain A4 white paper.

Those fans also suddenly realized: "It turns out that she did all this just using our goodwill to perjury her and frame Su Mi."

"In order to thank her for her meal and a cup of milk tea, we helped Zhou to be abused and almost killed Su Mi."

"Wei Yuxin's scheming is really too heavy to play with us. No wonder she dared to treat Su Mi from the same company like that."

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