Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 252: The rhythm is guided by him

However, Shen Jingyu simply felt that she might have hurt her that night, and now just wants to care about her.

Perceiving her shrinking, he stared slightly: "Is it better?"

"Much better..." Only then did He Ning realize that he was caring about something.

"Have you taken medicine?"

"Not yet." He Ning shook her head, her face stained with blush.

In fact, it didn't hurt. He always took into account her feelings. How could it make her uncomfortable?

Some slight redness and swelling have almost disappeared over time.

"Let me check." Shen Jingyu stretched out his hand.

There is no other meaning, just to check it.

But He Ning felt a little danger, and always felt that things couldn't be that simple...

Besides, how can such inspection be done?

She was very uncomfortable.

Feeling her rejection, Shen Jingyu was not angry, but rather distressed.

Before... Did you go too far?

Will she startle her like a deer, scared of even this little action?

He Ning was afraid that he would make ambiguous actions again, and said hurriedly: "It's all right, it's okay, so it's okay to not use medicine."

"Are you... implying what I can do?" There was a hint of interest in his eyes.

"Of course not!" He Ning stood up in a panic.

"Don't move!" Shen Jingyu pulled her into his arms again, "If you move again, I don't guarantee that I won't do anything."

He Ning did not dare to move honestly, leaning on his chest obediently.

There was a smile in Shen Jingyu's phoenix eyes.

He encircled her waist and buried his head in her shoulder.

On the tip of her nose is the faint fragrance of her hair.

Of course he wouldn't be so eager to touch her. He asked for a lot that night, but he was already ignoring her body.

At this moment, he just wanted to hold her well.

In the past two days, he had a lot of things. He was so busy that he didn't have time to eat. Besides, he didn't have the taste to eat. It was very bad.

Only then did I feel a touch of comfort when I hugged her in my arms.

He Ning originally wanted to say something, but felt that he gradually became quiet.

Even, he began to make even breathing sounds.

"Asleep?" He Ning touched him lightly.

Shen Jingyu didn't move.

Sure enough, I fell asleep.

It seems that he is really tired.

He Ning did not get up for fear of waking him up.

But let him sleep here, obviously very uncomfortable, let alone she is still sitting on his lap.

She wanted Qiao Hai to come and help him to the bed.

But just as soon as she moved, Shen Jingyu moved.

No way, He Ning had to maintain this posture.

Fortunately, his chair is spacious enough, but not too crowded.

He Ning leaned on him like this, feeling relieved, and soon fell asleep with him.

She woke up in bed the next day, her clothes changed into pajamas.

Shen Jingyu was not around.

He Ning knocked her head... Actually last night, she wanted to ask him about the reporter's interview with the army.

However, as soon as she met him, she was completely suppressed by his aura. She didn't even think about asking herself, and the whole rhythm of getting along was guided by him.

"Qiao Hai, where is San Ye today?" He Ning couldn't help asking as soon as he met Qiao Hai downstairs.

"In the army. I have been very busy these few days. I will follow it soon."

He Ning had to give up his plan to call him for help.

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