Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 261: He Ning is a man on the left and a man on the right

"He Ning, do you think about it?" He Manni said confidently, with persecution.

It's also disgusting.

Chu Zhuohang looked at her with a trace of contempt and mockery.

Just rely on her to try to manipulate He Ning's life?

It's ridiculous!

However, he really wanted to see him. What kind of expression would Shen Jingyu show when he saw these photos?

"Don't think about it, just how you use these photos!" He Ning's tone became determined, "I will never be threatened by you!"

Even if she was to be misunderstood, even if she had to face Shen Jingyu's emotions, she would never compromise with Hemani!

He Manni looked at Chu Zhuohang: "What about you? So are you?"

"I have the same attitude as He Ning. He listened carefully!" Chu Zhuohang looked indifferent.

"Okay! Then this is what you asked for!" He Manni raised the photo in her hand and said loudly, "Do you think He Ning's company really has no problem? Do you think that what Chu Zhuohang said yesterday was true? "

She is in the lobby of the TV station, and there are many staff in it.

When they heard her, everyone looked up.

He Manni scattered the photos in her hand and said, "He Ning has not yet received an application. What does this show?"

"In the past, every year, the TV station was able to interview the team and report the latest developments in the army training! However, this year, He Ning was rejected!"

"A Chu Zhuohang staying here is not enough to explain the problem!"

"Because he didn't stay here for work and prospects at all. He stayed here because he had a relationship with Hening!"

"The company's situation is worrying. He Ning still has a man on the left and a man on the right. Do you really think that your job prospects are good enough?"

Someone picked up the photo and saw that it was Chu Zhuohang and He Ning hugging it.

If it's normal, it's fine, but in this special period, the ambiguous relationship between Chu Zhuohang and He Ning, isn't it true to what He Manni said?

Since both Chu Zhuohang and He Ning have lost their credibility, the company's situation...

Everyone was skeptical, and for a while, everyone was whispering and talking.

During this period of time, because the company's situation is very complicated, the top management is also frequently changed, and the people's hearts are unstable.

Everyone's hearts are hanging, and some people are indeed a little uncertain about Hermanie's trouble.

Although it is not necessary to resign or anything, the development of the company will definitely be affected by the unstable conditions of the people.

Chu Zhuohang hugged his arm, as if everything didn't matter.

He Ning stood up and said loudly: "Everyone, don't be fooled by Hermanie, what she said is not true at all. She is just trying to provoke the internal relations of the company, because I refused to cooperate with her, she repeatedly made trouble..."

"I'm making trouble?" He Manni said loudly, "Then tell me, is your application rejected? Are the people in this photo you and Chu Zhuohang?"

"Say, tell everyone! Speak out loud!"

He Ning pursed her lips slightly, and He Manni came prepared. What she said was not a simple or unexplainable thing.

"He Ning, are you speechless?" He Manni sneered.

The employees are surging, and they don't know if they should believe Hermani's words.

She walked up to He Ning and said in a low voice: "He Ning, promise me to cooperate now, it's still too late."

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