Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2619: Of course I want to take you

"Look, I have selected these companies." Sister Cao said, "Long Empire's current music market, without the prosperity of the previous years, the overall market is relatively weak. But fortunately, your creative ability is very good. No company does not need the other party to spend too much time writing songs and singing songs for you, you can handle the affairs yourself, so there are more companies you can choose now."

Su Mi nodded and looked at it seriously.

"I made a tabulation to analyze the pros and cons. You can take a good look at the evening. By the way, tell your family too." Sister Cao trusts Chu Zhuohang very much, and thinks that Su Mi's job change is due to Chu Zhuo. The gatekeeping of aviation is the best.

Of course Su Mi wanted to tell him.

However, she must deal with her own affairs independently before she will explain to Chu Zhuohang.

Even if he loves her and loves her, she also loves him and loves him. The two are relatively independent individuals. Su Mi will not put everything over there and let Chu Zhuohang help herself.

Xiao Ke stood aside and said blankly: "Su Mi, Sister Cao, take me with you when you leave, I can do anything! I won't be dragging you down!"

"Of course I have to take you." Su Mi put down the file, "Otherwise, this matter will not be discussed in front of you."

Xiao Ke is happy: "Then I have to prepare well, and I will definitely live up to the expectations of you and Sister Cao. I will also do things for you."

"Good." Su Mi nodded.

Sister Cao told her not to say anything.

In the evening, Su Mi returned home, and Juliet came to face her. When she saw Su Mi, she burst into tears.

Su Mi looked at her holding a child in her arms and knew that she had found the child she had asked Xiao Zhan to help Juliet find.

"Miss Su, I really don't know how to thank you. I didn't expect to find my child in my lifetime, thank you very much!" Juliet said from the bottom of my heart.

"Just find the child. I said I will try my best to help you."

Juliet hugged the child tightly: "You are such a good person, you will definitely live a long life."

"So now, what are you going to do?" Su Mi asked.

"I'm going back to my hometown. The child is here. I can't provide good nurturing and education. I have a house in my hometown. At least it can make her live a little more comfortable. My parents help me watch the child, and I can also go out and make money to support the family. , To provide her with a relatively favorable environment." Juliet has already considered it.

Su Mi did not persuade her, saying, "Then you go home. This is a gift for the children."

She took a red envelope and gave it to Juliet.

Juliet refused to accept it, but Su Mi insisted on giving it to the child. She finally accepted it. Thanks a lot, she turned around and took the child to pack her luggage.

Xiao Zhan told Su Mi: “Juliet was carrying her ex-boyfriend’s child, and her ex-boyfriend’s family took the child away after she was born. Juliet was stimulated, so she became emotionally paranoid. She frantically looked for her child while she But Ruan Weijia can't even remember that his child's father is his ex-boyfriend.

However, after her ex-boyfriend's family snatched the child, they found it was a daughter, but didn't want it, and threw it to the orphanage.

Fortunately, the hospital and the police were very willing to help, and finally found the child in the orphanage, gave her a blood comparison, and confirmed their mother-daughter relationship. "

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