Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 264: Jealousy churning, undercurrent surging

However, Shen Jingyu had no intention of letting go.

Between the two men, they seemed to be fighting in the dark, with a flat expression on their faces, but each was exerting force on their wrists.

Obviously...power, regardless of superiority.

However, Chu Zhuohang's illness could not withstand skin contact with anyone for more than a period of time.

In a moment, the sweat on his face choked down, and his thin clothes were almost drenched with sweat.

"Husband..." He Ning was a little nervous, and subconsciously called Shen Jingyu.

Although she has no male and female affection for Chu Zhuohang, she can't stand by and watch him faint in front of her eyes.

Shen Jingyu retracted his hand and glanced at He Ning with his narrow eyes.

The breath on his body was awe-inspiring, as if he was a little displeased with Hening's defense of another man.

He stretched out his hand to pull He Ning into his embrace, declared his sovereignty, and looked at Chu Zhuohang proudly.

Chu Zhuohang was let go, his face pale for a while, and he took a few deep breaths before finally getting over.

After he slowed down, he glanced at He Ning and showed a bright smile: "I'm fine, don't worry."

He Ning's concern made him very useful...it also made him a little more proud in front of Shen Jingyu.

These words deepened Shen Jingyu's displeasure.

His long arms pressed **** He Ning's waist, as if to embed her soft body in her bones and blood.

The two men secretly competed.

He Ning was a little uncomfortable, with a pair of beautiful eyes nowhere to rest, and hurriedly clarified: "Senior Chu, I just don't want more misunderstandings between you and Jingyu. After all, we will have to work together in the future, right?"

In one sentence, she explained the relationship between her and Chu Zhuohang clearly.

This sentence pleased Shen Jingyu. It turned out that this little woman could distinguish the relationship between him and other men from the bottom of her heart.

Shen Jingyu said calmly: "Indeed, I am very grateful to Director Chu for helping the company. He Ning and I both need a left arm like you."

In a word, divide her and him into one camp.

And Chu Zhuohang was clearly divided into a member of another camp.

Chu Zhuohang laughed, his handsome face was shrouded in a dark shadow, and he couldn't distinguish the meaning of his smile.

"If it's okay, He Ning and I will go home first." Shen Jingyu deliberately bit the pronunciation of the word "home" and stretched out his hand to hold He Ning's hand.

He jawed to Chu Zhuohang and took He Ning into the car.

Chu Zhuohang watched them get into the car and went away, with a seemingly non-existent smile on the corner of his lips.

After getting in the car, He Ning subconsciously placed the flower in his hand in the corner of the car.

She herself sat far away from him.

I am afraid that he is jealous, but I am afraid that he is not jealous.

"Come here." Shen Jingyu made a low voice, and stretched out his palm towards her.

He Ning just put his hand on his palm, he pulled her over, grabbed her directly into his arms, and sat on his lap.

"I didn't want to help him just now..." He Ning explained softly.

"I know." Shen Jingyu didn't want to lose her temper at her.

What he is afraid of is nothing more than loss... If it is his own cause to lose her heart, will it be too much for the loss?

His chin rested on the top of her head, jealousy in his heart, and undercurrents surged.

Only if you hold her in your arms and feel that she is yours, can you be more comfortable.

He Ning was so tight that he was almost out of breath, and twisted her waist.

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