Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 274: Doesn't make any sense to her

She wanted to confirm whether it was Xie's family at all.

Xie Yihao had maintained a relationship with He Manni before, not for a while.

It is not a strange thing that Hermani is pregnant with his child...

His feelings for Hermanni have faded, but he will not abandon his own bones and blood.

"Mannie, how long have you been pregnant?" Xie Yihao asked inquiringly.

"It has been two months since I checked it out. I have been too busy during this time. I have not paid attention to my physical condition. I only found out now. Yihao, you know that the child belongs to you, right?" He Manni said pleadingly, afraid Xie Yihao Do not believe.

The time is right, Xie Yihao nodded: "In this case, you can rest well. It is important to protect your children."

Even if he likes He Ning again, He Ning is still a serious illness and dying, and it is even more unlikely that he will have a child.

Therefore, it was his unexpected joy that He Manni was able to become pregnant.

He Manni was very happy to see his attitude change: "Yihao, I will definitely protect our children."

"All right, then you take care of your body, but don't affect my little grandson." Huang Dili also changed her attitude.

"Then I will go home with you for a while." Hermani sat down.

In fact, she was completely making up the child to be pregnant, but to save Xie Yihao's heart first.

As long as he saves his heart, and then conceives a child with him, then this lie can be resolved.

However, Xie Yihao's feelings for her became very weak, and he did not touch her for protecting the child.

Instead, Huang Dili was asked to accompany her to the hospital for an examination.

It feels that sooner or later, he will have to wear a help, Hermanni has to find ways to hide this matter.

In the end, she cast her eyes on He Ning.


He Ning received a gift when he was in the company.

She has some doubts, who will send it?

It was strange, she opened the brocade box and took out the contents.

The gift is not expensive, it is an ordinary necklace with a bullet shell attached to it.

She slightly guessed that Shen Jingyu should have sent it, so she took it down and put it on her neck.

"Master Chu, if you give He Ning such an expensive gift, you don't know that she can't afford it." Sitting next to Chu Shiwen was his left arm and right hand Lu Hao.

Such a bullet shell necklace looks inconspicuous, but it is a well-known status symbol in the arms business.

Those who give face to Lord Chu should know that when they see the necklace, they should not go to He Ning's idea.

That necklace is undoubtedly a talisman for mixing on the road.

"He Ning is not a person on the road, and this thing doesn't mean much to her." Chu Shiwen said in a low voice, "It's just because she helped Zhuo Hang and gave her a thank you."

"Since it doesn't make sense, why not change a gift that is meaningful to her." Lu Hao said slowly.

Chu Zhiwen's face was always hidden in the shadows.

He checked He Ning's birth information, but after a long time, the hospital was relocated, and He Ning's mother, Ms. Ning, passed away a long time ago. There is not much useful information.

He had to give up that idea...

However, he also wanted to protect her comprehensively, to a certain extent.

He Ning thought for a while, took a picture of wearing a necklace, and sent it to Shen Jingyu.

He said that if he doesn't go to the army today, he will handle company affairs. Wanting to be such a small interruption will not cause him trouble.

But she didn't expect Shen Jingyu to reply very quickly, and only came back in a second: "Do you like this kind of necklace?"

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