Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2751: It's better to move

Hearing these ruthless words, Zhuang Shihao's eyebrows frowned tightly. What kind of nerves is this? Why did you say such a thing suddenly?

He couldn't figure it out, and after a long meeting, his thoughts were a little confused.

Fang Lan had hung up the phone before he could reply.

Zhuang Shihao rubbed his temples vigorously while listening to the busy beep from the phone. What exactly is going on?

The assistant reminded him: "President Zhuang, do we need to postpone or suspend the meeting now in progress?"

"No, go ahead." Zhuang Shihao said calmly, putting away his mobile phone and continuing the meeting, restoring his sense and coolness.

It wasn't until the meeting for several hours was over that he asked his assistant to call back to the country to ask about the situation.

It was already early in the morning in China, and the assistant finally understood the situation, and said to Zhuang Shihao: "It seems that Peng Xiuxiu was unwilling to leave. Today, he went to the kindergarten to make trouble, and was injured by the parents. I didn't know that Peng Xiuxiu went to the kindergarten. What are you going to do, maybe... it really hurts Youyou."

"How is your situation now?" Zhuang Shihao asked immediately, a flash of fear flashed in his heart.

"It should be okay. Peng Xiuxiucai was injured as soon as he appeared. However, Fang always was very angry."

When Zhuang Shihao heard this, he felt a headache.

What is going on with Peng Xiuxiu? He sees her elder brother helping her time and time again, giving her a life of glory and wealth, and letting her live as she pleases.

Even in her career, it helped her to gain a foothold and develop.

Why is she still not satisfied? He was even so vicious that he hit Youyou's head with an idea.

Zhuang Shihao took out his cell phone and looked at Fang Lan's number on it. Forget it, it was still early in the morning on the opposite side, and it was not suitable to call back. After all, he put down the cell phone.

The assistant stood beside him, waiting for his instructions.

"Arrange two people to protect Youyou. Also, use some means to prevent Peng Xiuxiu from coming out for the time being." When Zhuang Shihao said this, his voice became cold and ruthless.

No matter what, he won't let people hurt Youyou.


Fang Lan took the child that night, and the more he thought about it, the more uneasy he became. I wonder if Peng Xiuxiu would do anything else, so he took the child and went directly to Doctor Fang.

It was a sensation that Peng Xiuxiu went to the surroundings of the school and was beaten in that fashion. It had been on the news a long time ago, and Doctor Fang was worried, wishing Fang Lan would come back with Youyou.

Su Mi also came to visit Youyou.

In order not to make Fang Lan and Youyou sad, everyone did not mention Peng Xiuxiu.

Until Youyou fell asleep, Doctor Fang said, "Lanlan, why don't you move? Although Peng Xiuxiu doesn't know what to do, she knows Youyou's school, and I am afraid she also knows where you live. Just in case. ..."

"Indeed, the defensive heart is indispensable." Su Mu also said.

Fang Lan actually had this intention. Although the police gave her the news, telling her that Peng Xiuxiu’s purpose in going to school was not to hurt Youyou, but to wait for Zhuang Shihao, but what some people say is hard to believe. .

It is impossible for a mother to expose her child to any possible danger. It is irresponsible for her child's safety. There will be no regrets if there are any consequences.

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