Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2755: Should taste this bitterness

Zhuang Shihao had an empty stomach and was already full of wildfires, but when he called Fang Lan, she found that she had turned off the computer.

How dare this woman!

He reached for the key, turned and went downstairs, and drove directly to Doctor Fang's residence.

If she is not at home, Fang Lan always goes back to her father's side. Other than that, she rarely spends the night in other places.

Zhuang Shihao knocked on Doctor Fang's door. When the nanny opened the door, he saw him and said in surprise: "Mr. Zhuang?"

It is indeed rare to see him come by himself, especially when Fang Lan and Youyou are not there.

"I'll pick up the child." Zhuang Shihao opened the door, passed her, and walked towards the living room.

In the living room, Chu Zhuohang was drinking tea with Doctor Fang, Su Mi and Su Mu were chatting, and Xiao Chen was playing with toys.

There is no presence of Fang Lan and Youyou.

When she saw Zhuang Shihao, Su's mother stood up, smiled and said, "Shihao is here?"

Chu Zhuohang raised his eyebrows arrogantly and glanced at him, with a bit of indifference and alienation in his eyes, and then he took it back.

"Shihao, sit down." Only Su Mu was the only one who maintained Zhuang Shihao's dignity as a guest. "Where are Lanlan and Youyou?"

At this moment, Zhuang Shihao knew that Fang Lan and Youyou were not in Fang's house either.

Doctor Fang looked at him and said, "Is there anything wrong, Shihao?"

Zhuang Shihao couldn't export all of a sudden, saying that he was coming to pick up Fang Lan and Youyou.

As a husband and a father, he didn't even know where his wife and children were. This kind of deep shock came weakly from his heart, and he was almost defeated.

He paused and said, "Nothing."

"Drink tea." Mother Su offered a cup of hot tea.

"No, I just came to have a look, nothing more." Zhuang Shihao didn't ask where Fang Lan and Youyou were.

Can't ask.

But looking at the calm and composed look of Doctor Fang and others, at least I know that Fang Lan and Youyou are all right.

"Then I will go first." Zhuang Shihao escaped almost embarrassedly.

Obviously before, he stood in front of these people, so arrogant and cold and not easy to approach, but now the situation seemed to be reversed.

Mother Su said strangely: "What's the matter?"

Doctor Fang knew his daughter, and said, "Maybe Fang Lan hasn’t told him about the move. She was like this when she was young. There is no more words from her. This child, alas...sometimes it's just a tendon."

Su's mother said: "Actually, this Zhuang Shihao should have tasted this bitterness. Lanlan can't bear everything alone."

Su Mi quickly glanced at Chu Zhuohang for fear that he was worried.

Chu Zhuohang didn't have any additional reaction, just calmly holding the tea cup and taking a sip.

In fact, he knew everything about Fang Lan's divorce and asked Su Mi for help. How could such a small matter be hidden from him?

It's just that Fang Lan didn't want him to know that he was worried, and Su Mi kept it from him, so he did not know.

Fang Lan is an adult. She really should bear some things. Outsiders can't be her master, and outsiders can't share her joy and pain in this marriage.

He tacitly knew.

That night, after Zhuang Shihao went back and stayed up all night, Fang Lan seemed to have disappeared and no longer appeared in his life.

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