Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2761: He is leaving

Su Mi waited anxiously.

Chu Zhuohang took a big stride and walked over. He had gone to the company early in the morning. He received a call from Su Mi as soon as he arrived and hurried back.

"Fang Lan is still in the operating room, the doctor said that we have to wait first." Su Mi said.

Chu Zhuohang frowned, took her hand, sat down together, and embraced her.

Fang Lan was going to get the divorce certificate today, he knew everything, but he didn't expect that something like this happened suddenly.

"I haven't told Dr. Fang yet, but I can't keep it secret. In several major hospitals, there are his friends and former colleagues, and someone will definitely get it in his ears." Su Mi said with some worry.

Chu Zhuohang took out his mobile phone: "In this case, it's better to let him hear it from my mouth, so as not to worry."

Although she didn't want Doctor Fang to know for the time being, Su Mi knew that Chu Zhuohang was right. Instead of letting an outsider tell him, it would be better for Chu Zhuohang.

Chu Zhuohang dialed the phone, said a few words to the phone, and calmed down a few more times. After hanging up, he asked Xiao Zhan to pick up Doctor Fang and Su Mu, fearing that they might be driving in a hurry.

Doctor Fang and Su Mu arrived soon, and in a short period of time, Doctor Fang's hair turned white.

He was originally the most vigorous and vigorous, even in the years, he was particularly gentle to him, but because of his daughter's affairs, he was destroyed and calm.

"Uncle Fang, the doctor said it will be well soon, don't worry too much." Su Mi's words of comfort also appeared pale and weak.

After a while, the door of the operating room opened and the doctor walked out.

Doctor Fang recognized this as a familiar friend and asked hurriedly, "Lao Li, how is my daughter?"

"Doctor Fang!" The doctor Li hadn’t recognized Fang Lan until he saw Doctor Fang. “Fang Lan didn’t have a big problem, she just passed out after the impact, and she has done it for her now. Various operations and examinations should be able to wake up soon."

Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

"You go in and have a look." Doctor Li said.

Doctor Fang was so affectionate that he relaxed slightly.

At this moment, Zhuang Shihao's figure appeared with a solemn expression on his face. He didn't see much worry, but he was indifferent.

When he got closer, he didn't have much concern in his tone. He asked, "How is Fang Lan's situation?"

Doctor Fang always respected his daughter's wishes. No matter how excessive Zhuang Shihao was, he could not say anything, but he knew that today, Fang Lan was going to get the divorce certificate, and knew that she must be in a bad mood before she had a car accident.

Now Zhuang Shihao appeared suddenly, only asking indifferently in his tone. It seemed that Fang Lan had something wrong, he didn't care at all, he just cared whether his soul could be separated.

Doctor Fang stared at Zhuang Shihao closely, suddenly raised his arm and slapped Zhuang Shihao hard.

"Old Fang!" Mother Su quickly grabbed him.

Zhuang Shihao was beaten with his face to the side, and his heart became even more cold. He would not fight against his elders, but it did not mean that he had no temper.

He turned around and sat down on the hospital bench. Since Doctor Fang refused to tell him Fang Lan's situation, he could wait.

Anyway, this marriage, he is about to divorce.

If he still had some scruples before and didn't agree with her to arrange what she wanted, then since she made up her mind last night, this matter has become an imperative and important event.

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