Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2763: Feeling hard to calm down

And she has always taken care of Youyou personally, and didn't abandon her children because of her busy work.

Fang Lan has achieved this point, so the reason for the divorce must be his son.

Father Zhuang and Mother Zhuang could no longer help but walk towards Zhuang Shihao, and Father Zhuang slapped it in the face.

This morning, Zhuang Shihao was beaten for the second time.

He raised his stern eyes and stared at Father Zhuang, his extreme anger suppressed.

Father Zhuang was a little guilty by the sight of his son. His son had grown up a long time ago and assumed the responsibility of the company. He was no longer the kid who was about to be beaten when he made a mistake.

But Father Zhuang still wanted to teach him, pointing to him and said: "Why do you want a divorce? What did you promise us at the beginning? Well, why did you give up Fang Lan?"

"If you can't go on, you will naturally leave." Zhuang Shihao responded.

"You shameless son! What's wrong with Fang Lan, why don't you think about it? Look at what she did for you, look at Youyou! How can you bear it?" Father Zhuang trembled with anger.

Zhuang Shihao responded flatly: "Dad, Mom is in poor health, you should go home first. How old am I, can't I even take charge of my own affairs?"

"You just can't be the master in this matter! I tell you, if you take other women home, neither your mother nor I will recognize you as a son!" Father Zhuang said with an aura.

Zhuang Shihao stood up slowly and said calmly: "Back then, you did everything possible to separate me and Wanyi, and let me live according to your wishes. However, now the person who proposed the divorce is Fang Lan, and I just promised her to follow her ideas. That's it. But you have also seen it, isn't this just about to divorce, she had an accident, do you think she really wants to give up on me? Don't worry, this marriage is not necessarily a success.

I may always live according to your requirements, and all of you will be very satisfied. "

His voice was calm and unwavering, as if he was talking about other people's things.

Father Zhuang and Mother Zhuang pale with anger.

Especially the mother Zhuang, who covered her chest, the father hurriedly supported her: "My wife, are you okay?"

Zhuang Shihao saw his mother's heart disease, and his tone slowed down: "Dad, Mom is not in good health. It happens to be the hospital. You should check it first. I will come after seeing Fang Lan."

Father Zhuang wanted to say a few more words, but seeing Mother Zhuang's appearance, he had to leave first.

The harshness of his parents made Zhuang Shihao's rebellious mind more intense.

He raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows hard, his mood was difficult to calm down.

When Zhuang's father and Zhuang's mother were out, they happened to meet Zhuang Shihao's assistant. They stopped the assistant and asked in detail about the affairs between Zhuang Shihao and Fang Lan.

The assistant had no choice but to talk about Peng Xiuxiu's affairs. Although he did not know whether Peng Xiuxiu was the culprit that caused the breakdown of the marriage, in the eyes of him and many people, this was at least a fuse.

Upon hearing this, Zhuang's father and Zhuang's mother also saw Peng Xiuxiu's photos, and found that there was a bit of Zhang Wanyi in Peng Xiuxiu's expression. They couldn't help but feel distressed for Fang Lan and angry for Zhuang Shihao.

It turned out that his son hurt Fang Lan for such a woman, so it's no wonder that Fang Lan wanted to take the initiative to divorce.

Mother Zhuang took the medicine, sat down after taking the medicine, held Father Zhuang's hand, and said, "Is it true that we were wrong? We had to drive Zhang Wanyi away in the first place?"

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