Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 277: Got the support of Shen family

He will give her all his best things.

He didn't want to see other people's things appearing on her.

"Sooner or later, I will give it to you." Shen Jingyu whispered, "It's not too early to give it now."

He Ning couldn't help tears, her eyes flushed: "Then, do you still perform tasks often?"

"It's inevitable to be in our business... where the responsibility lies."

He Ning plunged into his arms, no longer ashamed to express his feelings.

She hugged him very tightly, exerting tremendous strength on her small arms.

"It's a peaceful age, when I can be used, not much."

Shen Jingyu's words were comforting, but they still didn't make He Ning feel more comfortable.

As long as she thinks that he will be in the same situation as before, she can't help feeling sore and swollen in her heart.

Shen Jingyu hugged her backhand.


The Press Cocktail Party in the West of Portugal is an annual event.

All the media in the Portuguese city will attend the grand event that night.

Especially before these media are about to follow up with the troops for follow-up interviews and reports, they come to participate in the reception, which is even more a grand event for contacting business and exchanging industry experience.

Although Hermani was not qualified for the interview, this year she was particularly high-profile.

Because this time, Xie Yihao attended the event with her.

Moreover, with the support of the Shen family, Xie Yihao's business has revived and developed rapidly.

He Manni after the plastic surgery, dressed exceptionally beautiful, sitting in the luxury car Xie Yihao bought, as proud as a peacock with an open screen.

What Xie Yihao bought was the latest limited edition Lamborghini. When he appeared on the outside of the cocktail party, it caused a lot of exclamation.

"Wow, this car is too beautiful!"

"It's a limited edition. I heard that many people didn't order it!"

"It turned out to be the young master of the Xie family! Sure enough, he has climbed into the rich Shen family, everything is different!"

Hearing these comments, Hermanni's face was especially full of pride.

This time Xie Yihao was able to accompany her to attend, she was already flattered.

And this distinction of honor and face, I am afraid that no one in the room does not have it.

Hermanie got out of the car, and she felt envy and jealousy in her ears.

"Xie Yihao is more handsome than before. The Shen family is really different. It only needs a little support to support another giant..."

"Don't say that, the Xie family used to be quite rich."

"But it's like a finger from the Shen family in Jingyuan City."

"Unfortunately, Master Xie already has a girlfriend. We have no chance."

Xie Yihao scanned the surroundings and found no sign of He Ning.

He Manni knew his careful thoughts, but still couldn't let go of He Ning, and felt a little uncomfortable.

She said: "He Ning probably won't come so early. She has never liked the excitement."

Xie Yihao retracted his gaze.

But before Hermanni could enjoy the respect and envy of everyone, another luxury car came later.

"Wow, look!" someone shouted, and everyone looked in the direction of the car!

I saw a more luxurious and extravagant sports car appeared in the sight of everyone.

If Xie Yihao's car is expensive, but it can still be bought with money.

Then this car here is not something that can be done with money at all.

Because the car in front of me is a concept model of the Rolls-Royce Phantom, which is only designed to appear in advertisements and games, and is not sold at all.

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