Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2774: Killed all her innocence

Zhuang Shihao was silent.

"Fang Lan has lost her memory, and she doesn't remember you at all, nor You You. Doctor Fang is also not very well." Father Zhuang said.

Zhuang Shihao was surprised, Fang Lan lost her memory?

Remembering that when signing the divorce letter yesterday, Fang Lan's behavior was indeed not the same as usual. When she looked at him, she did look strangely with no feelings, and she no longer had the usual self-pity.

It turned out that she had a problem with her head.

He said, how could she divorce so easily.

I don't know if she will regret it after she recovers.

Father Zhuang said: "Youyou, leave it to me and your mother to take care of you for the time being. I have no face to face Doctor Fang and Fang Lan. I can't trouble them anymore. When Fang Lan's injury is better, I will take care of them. Youyou give it back to her."

Zhuang Shihao was about to nod soon.

But suddenly, he changed his mind.

He thought of that little bun, such a small one, with eyebrows so similar to that woman, and the way he lightly leaned in his arms, it made people feel so soft and painful.

If even Fang Lan didn't remember him, and didn't care about him as a father, how sad would he be?

"Dad, let me take care of Youyou." Zhuang Shihao said.

Father Zhuang was stunned. Obviously he didn't expect his son to say something like this: "Can you take him? After he was born, don't think I don't know, but you haven't even changed your diapers."

"I'll try my best. If it doesn't work, I will trouble you. You can take good care of mom."

"That's okay. If the child is young, don't behave, call me right away if you can't." Father Zhuang solemnly exhorted.

Zhuang Shihao put down the phone, and faced with the decision he made once again that was beyond the ordinary, he laughed helplessly.

It seems that the task will be a bit heavy in the next period of time.


Doctor Fang and Su Mu were worried about Fang Lan's affairs.

But Fang Lan is happy, because without this marriage, without this man, this is what she was originally.

She smiled at Mother Su and said, "Mother Su, you can stay at home without worry. I longed for my dad to find someone who knows the cold and the hot. It's great to have you there."

"Thank you, Lan Lan." Mother Su said sincerely.

"I am also very fond of Su Mi. Anyway, I will treat you as my mother from now on." Fang Lan lowered his head and took a bite of Su Mu's pork rib soup, with a sweet smile on his face, "What you made is really too good. It's delicious! My tongue is almost swallowed!"

"If you like to eat, eat more. Tell me what you want, and I will bring you again next time."

"Good." Fang Lan nodded.

When Su's mother packed her things and went out, she joined Doctor Fang and said, "I didn't expect that Fang Lan had such a temperament before. It's nice to see her happy and happy."

"That man has wiped out all her innocence and happiness. Looking at her like this, it is indeed very good. But I am worried that this kind of life will not last long. And Youyou, I too..."

Doctor Fang also loved Youyou very much, and he was worried when he thought that Youyou was being taken care of by Zhuang Shihao now.

That man is often cold-faced and cold-faced, as if he is heartless, can he take good care of him?

But now that Youyou are brought in, it is bound to be unable to allow Fang Lan to heal and recover properly.

Su's mother soothed: "At any rate, Youyou also have grandparents. Zhuang Shihao is not as good as he is, and he is also a father, so he can't just let it go."

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