Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2784: Participate extremely reluctantly

Zhuang Shihao suddenly remembered that Fang Lan said: "You need a nanny more than a wife."

But the babysitter is here, but he feels that it has not reduced the boredom in his heart.

After the explanation, Aunt Zhang took off her apron as usual and left.

After Youyou finished his meal, Zhuang Shihao sent him another voice, which was still Fang Lan's voice: "You must be good, baby, Mommy will be back soon. You have to eat and sleep well."

After holding and listening to it several times, Youyou did not cry obediently. After taking a bath, she hugged her teddy bear and went to bed.

After Zhuang Shihao fell asleep with him, he got up and wanted to go to his study, but he went to the master bedroom.

The master bedroom was large and neatly packed. He opened the closet with his hand. There were still a few pieces of clothes left by Fang Lan that she didn't wear often. They were probably the things she didn't take away when she moved in a hurry.

All other things were taken away.

Only their wedding photos on the bedside were not taken away.

Said it was a wedding photo, but I actually took such a photo.

At the beginning, Fang Lan carefully arranged and booked the photography team to prepare the shooting trip. He was extremely reluctant to participate.

After only one shot, he received a call from Zhang Wanyi. She broke her leg. He couldn't ignore it, so he rushed to Zhang Wanyi from the shooting scene.

When he came back, the sun was setting and the photography team had all left.

And Fang Lan smiled and said, it's okay, no matter how long it takes, she can wait.

But he never made time for her again to shoot again.

In the photo, Fang Lan smiled very brilliantly, revealing eight white teeth, brilliant and charming, but he smiled reluctantly, with no joy.

At that time, Youyou was already in Fang Lan's stomach, and her hand was subconsciously placed on her lower abdomen.

That is the protection of her children instinctively as a mother.

Zhuang Shihao turned to bed without thinking too much, but in this room, there was her shadow everywhere, how could he not think too much?

Even the gentle fragrance on the bed was her smell, the smell he had been greedy for once.

Zhuang Shihao, I have insomnia.

In the middle of the night, I slept in a daze, and finally fell asleep. When he was about to fall asleep, Zhuang Shihao sat up suddenly.

He took a deep breath, strode into the baby's room, and subconsciously touched Youyou's forehead, only to realize that he had a fever.

Moreover, Youyou's fever is still a bit severe, crying in a low voice while calling mommy.

"Youyou? Youyou?"

The child couldn't respond to Zhuang Shihao at all.

Zhuang Shihao didn't think much about it, reached out his hand to grab the coat and mobile phone, picked up Youyou, and drove directly towards the hospital.

The children's hospital in the middle of the night was full of people coming and going, and it was completely different from what Zhuang Shihao thought.

He was completely unfamiliar with the process of registering and looking for a doctor. He was anxious and annoyed. He almost quarreled with the busy nurse. A nurse beside him took him to the emergency department upstairs.

The doctor checked Youyou. A mother holding her baby looked exhausted. Seeing that Youyou was burning badly, she handed over a Bingbing sticker she bought for her child: "Use one for the child first, and make him comfortable. point."

Zhuang Shihao took it, just dumbfounded, but didn't know what it was and how to use it.

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