Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2790: Has nothing to do with you

The two elders finally reached a consensus and returned to the ward. The first thing Youyou asked was: "Where is my mommy?"

Last night, he was obedient, and didn't make a noise for Mommy.

But now that I was awake, I remembered this incident. Mommy hasn't appeared yet.

"Grandpa and grandma, when will my mom come to pick me up?" Youyou asked urgently, expecting in her big eyes.

Zhuang Shihao patted him on the head: "Mommy is busy and will be here soon."

The light in Youyou's eyes became dim.

"She wasn't so busy before." He really couldn't understand. "Have she been away for several years?"

Zhuang Shihao said softly, "Well, didn't you tick the time on the calendar, it's only a few days."

"It's been several years." Youyou thinks it's a long time.

How can Doctor Fang stand this? Even if he wants to wrong his daughter, he has to call her.

When the call got through, Xu Rongrong answered it.

Doctor Fang froze for a moment. Where Fang Lan is now, it should be five o'clock in the morning, right? Xu Guangrong is in her room?

"Hey, Uncle Fang, isn't it?" Xu Guangrong's voice came.

"Well, let Fang Lan answer the phone."

"Fang Lan is asleep." Xu Guangrong said in a low voice. "She was very uncomfortable when she had gastroenteritis last night. She is in the hospital now, but it's fine. After a drip, she fell asleep. What's wrong In a hurry? I will ask her to call you back when she wakes up."

Doctor Fang said with concern: "What did the doctor say? Is the problem serious?"

"Fortunately, it may be that you ate too much seafood." Xu Guangrong said, "It happened in the middle of the night, but fortunately, it didn't matter. It's all my fault. She shouldn't help her eating too many miscellaneous things."

"It's okay, then you let her rest first, and I'll call back later. Don't blame you, Lan Lan usually eats seafood and it's okay, maybe it's a little uncomfortable." Doctor Fang hung up.

Su's mother had already heard it on the side and said, "Where is the unacceptable situation, I am afraid that it is not the mother and son connecting the heart, she is also worried about blessings."

Both of them were silent, and they couldn't bear to hide Youyou from Fang Lan.

Dr. Fang said, "Wait for her to get better, and then tell her about Youyou when she comes back. Let her play around first."

Seeing Doctor Fang and Su's mother coming back, Zhuang Shihao asked, "What did Fang Lan say?"

Doctor Fang didn't answer him, but just said to Youyou, "Youyou, Mommy is sick and feels a little uncomfortable, and she can't come back to see you for a while. You are obedient, and when Mommy gets better, she will take care of you. ."

Youyou nodded obediently: "Does Mommy have a doctor to take care of?"

"Yes. Don't worry." Doctor Fang looked at the child lovingly.

When Dr. Fang and Su's mother left, Zhuang Shihao gave it away, and when he arrived at the door, he asked: "How is Fang Lan's situation? Is it still a head injury?"

Doctor Fang glanced at him and said, "It has nothing to do with you. Take good care of Youyou."

In a word, Zhuang Shihao's heart was suspended in that place, and he felt uncomfortable.

In a blink of an eye, Doctor Fang and Su Mu walked away.

Zhuang Shihao had to return again.


Fang Lan's gastrointestinal tract has always been very good, except for occasional stomach pains, this is the first time he has symptoms of gastroenteritis.

Lying on the hospital bed, he looked at Xu Rongyao apologetically: "Xu Xuechang, I really trouble you. I didn't expect such a situation to happen."

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