Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2797: Let her leave

When the little guy leaned in his arms, every time he made his heart melt gently.

Tired is really tired, but when you are happy, you are also really happy.

It was a taste he had never known before. Just giving it out completely can make the mood extremely happy, without asking for anything in return, as long as he sees a happy smiling face of the child, it is enough to comfort the heart.

Today, Youyou finally went to the kindergarten so that Zhuang Shihao could get away and come to the company. When he was rubbing his eyebrows, a figure walked into the elevator.

Zhuang Shihao didn't care at first, but when he looked down subconsciously, he saw a familiar figure standing beside him.

The woman has a good complexion, her short and playful hair is slightly curled up, she is holding her arms and seems to be angry with someone.

How could Fang Lan come to the company?

What's the matter with her?

Do you think of Woowoo? Or do you think of yourself?

When the elevator went upstairs, Zhuang Shihao didn't get down, but stood beside her.

Fang Lan didn't care about him at all, and didn't recognize him. She was still thinking about all the things just now. When she thought that she had married a man like this, she felt a little bit overwhelmed.

What is your own vision? Blind?

She was a little annoyed, and a little happy for herself now. Within a few seconds, several expressions changed on her face.

Zhuang Shihao stood aside, his eyes just glanced at her accidentally, and then frozen on her. Compared to her before, she was no different, but it seemed to be different, so that he could not move his eyes for a moment.

In the past few days, the more you get along with Youyou, the easier it is for him to think of her. At first, he wanted to change her to take care of Youyou. She would definitely not be like himself.

I was thinking about it later. If she was here and saw that she could take care of the child more and more skillfully, would she smile, and then give herself and the child a kiss?

Thinking about it, Zhuang Shihao was in the elevator with a smile on his lips.

Fang Lan stepped out of the elevator, Zhuang Shihao was taken aback, trying to follow, but unfortunately it was too late, the elevator closed, he pressed the door button again, he could no longer open the elevator, and watched Fang Lan leave before his eyes.

But is that really Fang Lan? Or is it your own dream?

Zhuang Shihao pulled off his tie a bit and let out a sigh of foul breath.

When he arrived at the company, many people saw him evasive and seemed to be running away.

Zhuang Shihao arrived at the office and called his most trusted assistant: "Assistant Zhang, I didn't come, what happened to the company?"

Assistant Zhang often followed Zhuang Shihao, and Fang Lan was also familiar with his affairs, so he whispered, "President Fang came here just now."

"Is she here?" Zhuang Shihao asked.

In other words, the woman just now was really her, and he was only a second away from grabbing her wrist.

After catching it, what do you say, what to talk about?

"Well, I heard that I had a little trouble with Xiao Wu." Assistant Zhang said honestly.

"Then let Xiao Wu resign." Zhuang Shihao didn't bother to ask why.

Assistant Zhang was surprised: "Let her leave directly?"

This is the assistant who was personally selected by President Zhuang, interviewed, and stayed in the company personally. Because of Zhuang Shihao's value, he made the limelight in the company and was someone who dared to directly challenge Fang Lan!

And now, let her leave the job without saying a word? Is this really what Mr. Zhuang meant?

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