Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2803: Relationship is pretty good

"In this circle, is there such a lack of words?" Fang Lan didn't understand their circle.

Haixing smiled: "How can there be no shortage? Good lyrics and music are all lacking. And people's inspiration is always limited. Things like lyrics and music are not standardized products and can be mass-produced according to standards. Talents are always needed. "

"That's true." Fang Lan also laughed.

"My friend's name is Su Mi, I'll introduce you to you then," said Haixing.

"Su Mi? Su Mi, who debuted at the same time as you?" Fang Lan asked in surprise.

"Yeah, what do you guys know?"

Fang Lan laughed: "Yes, I know, the relationship is pretty good."

"Then how did you send me the lyrics? Su Mi has a lot of songs, but in terms of lyrics, sometimes she can't keep up. She is very demanding of herself and always wants the best."

Fang Lan thought, maybe it was because I felt that I was too close to Su Mi before, so I didn’t give her the lyrics to her, because I was afraid that Su Mi would not use it well, and it would not be good if she didn’t use it, but it hurts. Because of the harmony, I will contact the starfish without getting near and far.

Now that it has been recognized by the sea star and the market, it will not feel at a loss because of the closeness of the relationship.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Haixing guessed the reason, and said: "In that case, you can contact Su Mi by yourself, I will save you things. I really trouble you today, and I hope I can cooperate more in the future. "

After Fang Lan bid farewell to Haixing, she called Su Mi.

Su Mi was also surprised: "Fang Lan, I really didn't expect it to be you. Didn't you always deal with numbers in your previous job?"

"I don't know why I can bear it. It's obvious that I've got a big head when I see the numbers, don't say it, I won't do that kind of work again." Fang Lan smiled happily.

"Okay, let's meet tomorrow."

"I want to come to the manor? If I have time, I want to borrow your horse to ride."

Su Mi replied: "Okay, welcome anytime."

"Then I will come over tomorrow." Fang Lan was eager to try. Since returning from the American manor, she rarely rides horses.

I've long wanted to go to the manor for a ride on horseback.


In the evening, after coaxing Youyou to sleep, Zhuang Shihao turned on the computer to handle work.

After just a while, the laptop screen went blank, and it was useless to restart it several times.

Zhuang Shihao frowned and could only get up and went to the master bedroom. There is a home computer in the master bedroom. Fang Lan and him can use it at ordinary times, but in fact everyone has their own computer. A computer.

He opened it, concentrated on processing the work, was about to turn off the computer, and subconsciously clicked on the contents of the folder.

There is not much work related to this computer, it is basically home videos and photos.

He clicked and opened one, which was a video of Fang Lan's birthday.

She stood in the middle with Youyou in her arms, everyone around was blessed, and everyone's faces were full of smiles.

Only when the camera scans him occasionally will he find his out-of-match cold face, which looks so abrupt and hateful.

He frowned slightly, what is his usual way?

He knew that he had always had a cold face in front of Fang Lan, but was it so cold?

And in the video, he occasionally glanced at Fang Lan, the kind without emotion.

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