Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2805: Can't refuse

She didn't like children before, but now she is really conquered.

"You can really hold it." Fang Lan said in surprise, "Chen Bao is really good."

Su Mi smiled, how could she not like children? Youyou was taken care of by her so well.

"Do you like it?" Su Mi asked.

Fang Lan nodded again and again: "Like, like! Chen Bao is really good. I told you Su Mi, I went to the starfish activity today and saw a little boy who was also very good. If it weren't for the busy time and the occasion Fit, I really seem to play with him for a while. I didn't know I would like children so much too."

"It's normal to like children." Su Mi said with a smile.

"Hey, let me just say, where I live, a children's room was renovated. It seems that I really wanted a child at the time. How could I have that idea? I feel strange. But seeing Chen Bao, I’m not surprised, a child who is too good will be tempted to take it home and raise it."

Su Mi knew her thoughts, but this was the matter. Doctor Fang insisted not to tell her for the time being, and Su Mi would not be able to remind her at this moment.

Su Mi asked with a smile: "If you really have a child, you may not be able to stand up to the naughty spirit."

"Such a well-behaved kid, I can accept it if you are naughty," Fang Lan said.

"Yes, I can tell."

Fang Lan said: "I don't need to get married in the future, but it is estimated that I will definitely have a child. I can't refuse such a cute creature."

Su Mi laughed: "Many foreign mothers make this choice."

"Then I really need to ask about the feasibility."

After being hugged for a while, Xiao Chen didn't want to be hugged anymore. He quickly went down and ran into the back yard, where there was a weapon storehouse piled up with mud.

Su Mi let him run over.

After a while, Xiao Chen rolled back in mud. Su Mi looked at Fang Lan and smiled, "Did you see it?"

Fang Lan also laughed: "Ah, kids really can't afford it, can't afford it."

After talking to Su Mi about the business for a while, Fang Lan left. There was nothing unwilling to leave when she left, but she was quite unwilling to be Xiaochen.

After leaving the manor, Fang Lan received a call from Xu Yaorong.

"Fang Lan, the phone you broke last time has been repaired, I'll send it to you."

"It's repaired. It fell so broken, I thought it was hopeless."

Xu Glory smiled and said, "It's okay, but I guess some functions won't work. However, everything in it should be fine."

In fact, it took him some time to find someone to fix the phone, which is not so easy to put it lightly.

In fact, the phone is nothing. He estimated that the videos and photos in it were more important to her.

But he didn't take credit for it either. These were all he wanted to do, so there was no need to say more.

"Shall I bring it to you?" Xu Guangrong said.

Fang Lan wanted to say no, she had already started a new life, and the things in the old phone were broken and discarded.

But the other party has repaired it with good intentions, so she said no now, and she was a little uncomfortable, so she replied: "Okay, let's have a meal together by the way. Last time you took care of me for so long. I want to treat you to a meal. Who knows that you will be busy as soon as you come back. I have only now found the opportunity to invite you."

"Okay, then I will go over."

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