Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2817: The hardest time

If something happened to Youyou, he would not dare to think about the consequences.

For an instant, he thought of Fang Lan again, her figure lingered in his mind, if Youyou had an accident, she didn't know what it would be like to be sad.

Zhuang Shihao finally found the brakes, started the car, drove out, and banged into the pillar.

"Mr. Zhuang, let me come, let me come!" Assistant Zhang has hurriedly arrived.

Zhuang Shihao couldn't help but now his hands and feet were trembling, so he could only hand the car to Assistant Zhang to drive.

But where to go, and where to go, I don't know for a while.

Assistant Zhang was still calm and said: "Zhuang, let's go to the police station first, communicate with the kindergarten teachers and the police first, and then call the roadside surveillance to confirm clues."

"Okay." Zhuang Shihao's voice was very hoarse, and his eyes were covered with red blood.

Assistant Zhang also knew well that Zhuang Shihao was really hit hard this time. No matter how big the company had done before, he had never seen Zhuang Shihao so gaffe.

No, he has never seen Zhuang Shihao gaffe. This Zhuang has always been deserted and restrained. His superficial expression skills are better than anyone else, making it impossible to see his emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy. It makes people believe that when the sky falls, he can completely stand up.

But now that something happened to Youyou, he seemed to have a feeling that he couldn't support it at all.

Zhuang Shihao recovered for a few minutes and finally recovered. He took out his mobile phone and continued to call the kindergarten teacher to ask what happened, where Youyou went missing, and the current monitoring situation.

Jingyuan is a world-class big city. In the entire city, monitoring extends in all directions, forming the form of a skynet, basically covering any road section.

The only thing is to be afraid, in case the surveillance on the day is broken, or someone deliberately takes the child away to avoid the blind spot of surveillance.

This period of time is probably the most difficult time in Zhuang Shihao's life.

He had to hold his palms as hard as he could to restrain his emotions. He called his family members on both sides. He didn't dared to say that Youyou are gone. He was afraid that Dr. Fang and Zhuang's mother were both sick. Hearing this Can not afford.

He had to restrain his anxiety and asked tactfully whether someone on both sides had picked up Youyou.

The situation is of course negative.

Zhuang Shihao had to dial the phone and whispered: "Youyou are gone, I need your help."

When Chu Zhuohang received the call, he got up almost instantly: "What did you say?"

"I said Youyou is gone, and I need your help to find it. Maybe your person is more useful than the police." Zhuang Shihao has always refused to bow his head to Chu Zhuohang because of his relationship with Fang Lan.

But at this moment, he knew that for the sake of blessings, he could do anything and ask anyone, no matter who the other party was.

Perhaps subconsciously, he was also afraid of being sorry for that woman...If Youyou were gone, he couldn't imagine what it was like.

Zhuang Shihao felt that time was passing by, and the void in his heart was getting bigger and bigger.

When he rushed to the police station, the police told him: "It has been found that the child was taken away by a woman. We will pass now."

"What woman, what's the situation?"

"It's still not certain, we just discovered the situation through monitoring."

Zhuang Shihao immediately followed them.

The police knew that he was the father of the child, but they did not stop him and took him with him.

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