Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2829: It turned out to be a black screen

After Wooyou sent it, she didn't wait for a response for a long time.

"Daddy is busy, wait for him to return tomorrow, okay?" Fang Lan comforted, rubbing Youyou's head.

Youyou and Fang Lan are always happy to be together, and relieved when he thinks about it, holding her neck: "Then Mommy wants to sleep with me!"

"Okay." Fang Lan threw him on the small bed and took a picture book to tell him a story.

Everything is so handy, and so familiar and natural.

Originally, she was still very worried today. With an extra child, she would be at a loss and didn't know how to deal with it.


After Zhuang Shihao deleted all the useless information in the phone, he took the phone and went into the bathroom.

After immersing the whole body in the hot water in the bathtub, the fatigue of body and mind gradually disappeared.

The phone rang, it was a WeChat notification tone.

At this moment, Zhuang Shihao didn't want to deal with work anymore. He reached out his hand to take the phone, and his fingers crossed the screen of the phone. The eyes that had been casually glanced at him, at this moment, stopped, it turned out that Fang Lan sent the message!

He sat up straight from the bathtub, a eager light flashed in his cold eyes, and he stretched out his hand to open the news.

Xu Shi was too excited. Before he opened the phone, the phone slipped and fell directly from his hand, and entered the bathtub with a puff.

Zhuang Shihao felt a little bitter in his heart, and he immediately reached out to touch it. It was a simple action, but the more anxious and chaotic, he touched it several times before he took the phone out of the water.

But at first glance, it turned out to be a black screen.

Damn it!

Zhuang Shihao cursed all over, got out of the bathtub, ignoring the water stains, took the phone apart to control the water, and then dried it with a hair dryer.

The drying process was incredibly long, and he was so confused that his fingers were scalded by overheated hair dryers several times.

It was finally blown dry. The process of installing the components, restarting, and entering the password was unprecedentedly long. However, after entering the password, the phone was blank, and nothing could be seen.

He remembers that there is an old cell phone at home?

Zhuang Shihao immediately opened the drawer, searched for the old phone, entered his WeChat ID and WeChat password, and he should be able to see the message soon. After all, he hadn’t read the two messages just now. He should be able to view the two messages when he logged in with another phone. Are you there?

With a "ding" prompt, WeChat login on the mobile phone requires the verification code and authorization of the original mobile phone.

Zhuang Shihao was so angry that he threw the old phone on the ground. If his original phone is working, why does he need this broken phone?

Without thinking about it, he got up, took two mobile phones, grabbed his clothes and changed them, and drove outside.

At this moment, it is late, and most small shops have closed their doors.

There are not many shops for repairing mobile phones. At this point in time, he wandered for nearly an hour, and he did not find a shop for repairing mobile phones.

Zhuang Shihao smashed the steering wheel severely.

He is a high-achieving student in finance, and his work has always been related to finance. He is basically a layman for repairing electronic products.

When Assistant Zhang was woken up by the phone, he glanced at the phone, and one stood up and picked up the call: "Mr. Zhuang!"

"I remember, you once said that there is a friend who can repair a cell phone?"

"Yeah, I have such a friend, but it's late now. Do you want to repair your phone, President Zhuang?" Assistant Zhang asked.

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