Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2834: All equally important

Su Mi suddenly thought of a joint point. It stands to reason that Zhuang Shihao is more anxious to cut the relationship than Fang Lan, and now he refuses to cut, is there any idea, right?

Su Mi quickly dispelled this idea. For a man like Zhuang Shihao, don't think he can change it.

Fang Lan only jumped out of the fire pit now, wishing to get farther away. Don't follow the fire pit by yourself.

She persuaded: "If this is the case, then take a moment. The general meeting of shareholders cannot be held so frequently. Even if he wants to open it, he has to heed the attitude of other shareholders."

"Yes." Fang Lan's mood was a little lighter anyway.

"By the way, it will be the third birthday of Youyou and Chenbao soon. Why don't you spend it together this time?" Su Mi said with a smile, "Everyone eats together and prepares together. It just so happens that the relationship between the two brothers is also good. Children with eldest brothers also have birthdays at about the same time."

The eldest brother refers to He Yiming, He Yiming's second son He Xingjian, who was born at about the same time as Xiao Chen and Youyou.

Fang Lan became interested as soon as he heard it: "It's great! Three people celebrate their birthday together, it must be more lively. Youyou are lively and like lively. That's OK, then I will prepare together!"

"Okay. Grandpa Chenbao said, we will spend time together in the manor when that time comes." Su Mi said.


Master Chu is very caring about this birthday.

One is the child of the eldest son, the other is the child of the second son, and the other is the grandson of Dr. Fang, a lifelong partner and partner, and he values ​​them equally.

When he was most troubled, it was Doctor Fang who guarded him and cured him. It was also Doctor Fang who accompanied him all the way to the summit again. This brotherhood made him love Fang Lan as a daughter.

These three children naturally treated him the same way as their grandchildren.

Therefore, Master Chu made arrangements, it was naturally grand and lively.

Add in the three little guys, each with their parents in the middle, as well as their aunts and uncles, uncles and aunts who love them, and this time, their birthdays can't be any more fun.

Youyou had been looking forward to it a long time ago.

When he went home with Zhuang Shihao, Zhuang Shihao asked: "What gift do you want for your birthday?"

"I have already told Grandpa Chu and them what I want!" Youyou said in a gruff, "I still want it. Dadbi and Mommy are together, okay?"

Zhuang Shihao wanted to respond with one bite, but he also heard about it. This time Master Chu wanted to host a birthday party for the three little guys, but he failed to promise blessings and said he would go there.

Don't mention Chu Ye and Fang Lan, they didn't even intend to invite him over, even if he invited him over, he would have no face to see them.

"Is it possible? Is it possible? Is it possible?" Youyou asked when he saw that he was silent, shaking his arms, crawling on top of him, holding his head, and blinking his head to him, with big eyes. "Okay, Dad?"

"I will try my best to accompany you." Zhuang Shihao couldn't bear to refuse the baby in front of him, whispering.

"Really, that must be! Must be!"

Zhuang Shihao smiled: "Yeah."

"Daddy is so good!" Youyou kissed him on the cheek.

Zhuang Shihao's arc of laughter widened, holding Youyou, already thinking about what gift to buy.

But, will Fang Lan be willing to see herself at Youyou's birthday party?

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