Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 285: A doctor like me can't help but admire

"What do you mean?" Xie Yihao asked immediately.

He Manni's face turned paler: "Yihao, don't listen to him nonsense, he doesn't understand anything!"

"Miss He, your blood doesn't look like bleeding during pregnancy, but it looks like it was poured out of a blood bag." Gu Yunchen took a closer look and found the problem. "Miss He is pregnant with a strange pregnancy."

Everyone was a little surprised: "No? What is the purpose of her doing this?"

"Could it be that He Ning was deliberately framed?"

He Ning looked at everyone and said, "I broke up with He Manni a long time ago, and it has nothing to do. She fell on me just now. I just pushed her away and didn't touch her belly!"

Everyone's discussion was even louder.

"I'm really pregnant, and now I have a real stomachache! A few days ago, I also had an early pregnancy checkup!" He Manni took out a pregnancy test slip, "There is a certificate from the hospital to testify!"

Gu Yunchen took her order and sneered: "Dr. Wang Qiwang gave you a checkup?"

"Yes, it's him!"

"How do I remember that Dr. Wang did cosmetic surgery?" Gu Yunchen immediately raised a question.

Hermani concealed her panic: "There are so many people with the same name and surname, what's weird..."

"That's right, I also got a copy of your information." Gu Yunchen took it out. Shen Jingyu gave it to her. Shen Jingyu asked Qin Zheng to pay attention to what He Manni was doing recently, just to grasp her movements and avoid her trickery. Many things, what methods were used to hurt He Ning.

Therefore, Shen Jingyu knows everything He Manni is doing recently.

Hermani trembled: "What is that?"

"This is a report of your plastic surgery in the hospital for the last month. Miss He is really a god. She is pregnant and can also perform cosmetic surgery. And this pregnancy check-up was issued by the cosmetic surgeon herself. ...It really makes a doctor like me sigh!" Gu Yunchen shook his head as he spoke.

He has outstanding medical skills, and everyone recognizes his reputation.

Besides, how could everyone not believe what he said?

The documents in his hands are also tangible evidence.

Everyone was in an uproar: "It turns out that she is not pregnant!"

"Sure enough, He Manni wanted to frame He Ning!"

"It turns out that her face was trimmed, so she said it was so unnatural."

"I didn't!" He Manni didn't expect that her methods were so well known and exposed all at once.

She clutched her belly and shook her head repeatedly: "Gu Yunchen is all nonsense, I didn't do such a thing!"

"It's He Ning, it was He Ning who hit my stomach and caused me to lose my child!"

However, no matter what she said, no one would believe her.

Her heart-piercing shouts were nothing but a joke for everyone.

Gu Baoyan sneered at the side: "It turns out that she is really a mad woman, stupid and lowly, which man is blind to see you?"

When Gu Baoyan said so, Xie Yihao couldn't help it.

He Manni yelled: "You are just a small third, so what right do you say about me?"

She raised her slap and hit Gu Baoyan. Gu Yunchen grabbed her palm and her voice was freezing cold: "You want to slander my sister, have you asked me?"

younger sister?

Gu Baoyan is Gu Yunchen's sister?

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