Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2856: Own wife

"Okay." Zhuang Shihao himself already has a contract that has been drawn up, and he can take it out immediately-he does things and never fights unprepared battles.

However, thinking that if I give it again next time, I can find another chance to meet Fang Lan, so he didn't say much.

Let's talk about it next time.

"Then it's settled, don't regret it." Fang Lan's lively temperament came up again, and she stretched out her finger to sign.

"No regrets." In the man's voice, a chuckle escaped. It was probably her sudden tone that pleased him and made him feel a touch of gentleness between his brows.

The waiter came over: "Madam, the dishes at your table are ready, are you serving them now?"

Fang Lan just remembered that she ordered the food just now, and she ordered it, thinking that the business was done, and it was reasonable to ask the other party to have a meal.

Who knew it was made like this.

It is definitely not possible to withdraw.

But do you want to eat with this man?

Zhuang Shihao tapped his fingers on the tabletop: "I rushed over from the conference room and haven't eaten dinner yet. If it's convenient, I'll leave a meal?"

Fang Lan still hesitated a little, the man just begged for a meal in a magnificent manner.

Sure enough, a man is the most faceless, and he said he hated her before, but now he eats her food with confidence.

It was just a meal, and Fang Lan was too embarrassed to refuse, let alone hope that he would buy his shares as soon as possible.

"That's fine." Fang Lan said to the waiter, "let's serve."

A meal was eaten very quietly, and only the slight sound of the collision of dishes and chopsticks was heard.

Zhuang Shihao eats very elegantly, and Fang Lan in his impression is also very gentle and elegant.

But looking at her now, she was eating vegetables and grilling rice, her movements were simply and neat.

Zhuang Shihao wanted to talk to her, but her attention was all on the food, and he could only give it up.

After a meal, Fang Lan was in a good mood. Although things were not very pleasant today, the cuisine of this restaurant is well-deserved.

She glanced at Zhuang Shihao who had quietly put down her chopsticks, then stood up and said, "I'll pay."

In fact, you can call the waiter and pay in the private room, but she is wary of this man and doesn't want to get along with him more. This kind of man who looks respectable on the outside is the most cannibal without spitting out bones. Fang Lan was a little scared.

And, knowing that he hates herself, she has no reason to stay with him.

Fang Lan carried the bag and went downstairs to the reception desk to pay.

Zhuang Shihao stood not far away looking at her, his eyes locked on her slender waist, looking at her fingers that skillfully hold cards, he was more fascinated.

Assistant Zhang came over: "Mr. Zhuang."

Zhuang Shihao turned around and Assistant Zhang said: "The meeting just ended a little bit suddenly. The customers who participated in the meeting were a little unhappy and demanded that the price be kept down in the contract."

"The price can't be suppressed, think of other ways to ease his mood." Zhuang Shihao said.

"I tried my best, and the other party was a bit resentful. I probably thought that you left suddenly and deliberately suppressed him." Assistant Zhang nodded.

Zhuang Shihao pinched his eyebrows: "My wife is about to have an accident, where can I take care of so much?"

He also received news from Assistant Zhang that he knew that Mrs. Jiang was about to break into the private room, so he approached Fang Lan in advance and resolved the crisis.

In fact, it is not that there is no other way to solve the problem, but meeting each other is the most preferred solution to the problem by Zhuang Shihao.

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