Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2861: You keep this

When Zhuang Shihao left, Doctor Fang felt very strange.

It was rare to see Zhuang Shihao come to the door once before, and Pan also prevented him from coming. Now he is willing to come?

Don’t know why?

"What's the reason you said?" Doctor Fang asked Su's mother.

Mother Su couldn't tell, she could only shake her head.

Doctor Fang is very satisfied with Xu Yaorong now, and he doesn't bother to guess. He set the chess piece and said, "Come, come, let you three moves."


Because Zhuang Shihao called Zhuang's mother and asked her to come over, Zhuang's mother rushed to Zhuang's father very quickly.

After Zhuang's mother came, she didn't go to see Zhuang Shihao first, but instead called Fang Lan and asked her to have afternoon tea.

After Fang Lan received the call, he hesitated for a moment, and then agreed.

Mother Zhuang is a good person. She can see that she is very good to Youyou, and Fang Lan will naturally not prevent such a grandma from loving Youyou.

Seeing Mrs. Zhuang in a dessert shop, Fang Lan smiled and said hello: "Hello, auntie."

Hearing this sound, Mother Zhuang was not used to it, and she could only sigh softly in her heart.

"You young people don't know that you like desserts. I chose this store. See if you have any favorites."

"Thank you." Fang Lan thanked him and ordered sago and milk.

Zhuang's mother asked about Youyou's situation and talked about an interesting story about Youyou. The two soon started chatting. There were quite a few common topics about Youyou.

Fang Lan's mood also broadened a lot.

Zhuang's mother mentioned the newly built villas of Jingyuan recently, and said with a smile: "I won two sets, the environment is not bad, and it is big enough."

Fang Lan didn't know what she meant, and said casually: "It's really good over there, and the teaching resources are also pretty good. I've heard a friend talk about it before."

"So you keep this." Mother Zhuang handed over two real estate certificates.

"Auntie, this is..."

Mother Zhuang smiled and said, "For you and Youyou."

"How can this work?" Fang Lan didn't expect Mother Zhuang to give herself something.

"I'm for Youyou. Youyou want to go to school in the future, but can't you find a good school? I know you certainly have this ability, but you give it to you, and I give it to me." Mother Zhuang said.

Fang Lan refused, so she had to take it first.

"To tell you, I am selfish too. I agree with you, a daughter-in-law. From now on, I will bring it to life or death. It is blessed anyway. Give it to you now and give it to you in the future, it makes no difference. ."

Fang Lan nodded in gratitude, but he did not expect that Zhuang's mother was sincere to Youyou.

Mother Zhuang laughed: "Of course I want you to reconcile with Shihao, so I will hold these things for you first, and it’s nothing. Of course, I am selfish. In case you can’t reconcile, he will be with other people. I don't necessarily like it. Give things to Youyou, I feel at ease."

She was afraid that Zhuang Shihao and Zhang Wanyi would get back together, even though her son had already shown that tendency.

But what if?

She really doesn't like Zhang Wanyi. It's just a bad birth. Before her son was injured for several months, she secretly avoided seeing it as if it was nothing like that.

At that time, Zhuang's mother identified Fang Lan as a good girl who will never leave.

Zhang Wanyi has been completely excluded from her heart.

If Zhuang Shihao had to walk all the way to the dark, she really couldn't control it, but she couldn't give Zhang Wanyi to Zhang Wanyi for her own things, and she still gave Youyou insurance.

Fang Lan understood Zhuang's selfishness, so she left something calmly, anyway, she would not embezzle it to Youyou in the future.

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